[ NINE ]

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Angel presses all of her weight against the shed door, straining against it. Nick is with her, though he looks despondent. Angel huffs. The surge of force knock Nick off the door slightly, but he quickly returns.

"Any ideas?" She asks Nick, both trying to keep the doors closed. Nick pushes off the door, causing Angel to start panicking. "Nick! Nick! What are you..." She trails off, watching Nick slide a crate against the door, keeping them shut. Nick moves shortly after, sitting in a chair with his head down. Angel pants, finding a seat on the floor across from them, tossing her ice tool to the side. She puts her head in her hands for a moment, then looks over at Nick.

"I'm sorry..." she says softly "about Pete..."
"Whatever." Nick grunts, though it's clearly bothering him. After a brief pause, he speaks again "Why'd you follow me? Not Clem or Pete...why'd you follow me?" Angel's eyes study him for a moment.

"Because I trust you more than running blindly into the woods...a lot more, actually" She replies softly. Nick's eyes flicker to hers for a moment, then back down. "Well...that's pretty stupid on your part" he says. Angel frowns.

"I know it doesn't feel like it but...it's gonna be okay, Nick." She says
"I don't care" he replies.

Angel shakes her head softly, standing to try and find something, anything, to get her out. Maybe to look for Clementine and Pete. She pauses at a barrel like contraption, kicking it softly.

"It's a still" Nick states, watching her tap it. Angel nods "Oh...I know" she lies
"The fuck you do," Nick scoffs, clearly not buying it. A small, breathy chuckle escapes her. "Yeah, you're right" she admits, glancing over to him, noticing him soften slightly when she doesn't get angry. "What's it used for?" She asks.
"It's for makin' booze. But that rig ain't fit to piss in"
"That's your expert opinion?" She asks softly, starting to look around the rest of the shed they were trapped in. Nick doesn't say anything, not in the mood for her playfulness. To be truthful, Angel wasn't either, but she wanted to try and make the best of it...for now. If she sat still long enough or admitted just how bad things were, then those negative thoughts would come flooding in, and then she was as good as useless.

Angel makes her way to the back of the shed, pushing a piece of plywood out of the way which reveals a collection of mason jars with an amber liquid in them, she grabs one, observing it in her hand.

"What is that stuff? Let me see..." Nick asks, speaking for the first time in a good while. Angel stands looking at him skeptically. She didn't think it was a good idea to hand him booze in his condition, but did it anyway. He twists off the jars lid, inhaling the scent for a moment, then takes a swig.

"Whiskey" He states, as if it's nothing. Angel's eyes linger on him, sinking to the floor at his side. She can feel the quiet slip over her as she leans against the metal shelving of the shed. She tries to shake the feelings and the thoughts out of her head. Sleep. She thinks. Sleep was always a good escape.

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When she jumps up to the sound of shattering glass there is no longer light streaming in through the windows. Her eyes snap over to Nick, as he pulls his arm back as if to throw another jar.

"No, no, no..." She stammers, grabbing his arm, Nick pushes her back. He holds the jar as if he's gonna throw it, then sighs, letting it fall to his side. Angel frowns, looking at him.

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