[ SIX ]

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"House meeting! Five minutes!" Carlos' voice echoes through the cabin. Angel sits at the top of the stairs, giving a little shake of her head. When the time finally came, she stepped into the kitchen with all the others. As they sat at the dining room table, she pushed herself onto the counter top.

Carlos is the first to break the silence "I've already made my decision" he states.

"Well, Luke has more to say, I guess. Where's Sarah?" Pete adds
"She's got her book. She doesn't need to be apart of this" Carlos replies

"For all we know, she could be connected to Carver" Rebecca brings up. Carver. For the past month Angel had heard that name whispered like the Boogey Man around the cabin. Never saying too much around Angel, but enough to know that he wasn't a good guy.

"Come on, there's no way" Luke chimes in
"She's connected to somebody. There's no way she's out here by herself!" Nick protests
Pete then speaks "She said she was with a friend and they got attacked"

"Christa." Angel finally speaks, drawing the attention of the group to her. "She said she was with Christa. A girl from the Savannah group I was in...Clem and I...we met back when things started to get really bad. We met Christa later."

"She also said you fell off of a building. What's that about?" Nick asks. The eyes turn to her. Angel lets out a little sigh.

"Back in Savannah...we lost Clementine, so to speak. We knew where she was but...Savannah was...it was worse than I'd ever seen. Than anyones ever seen. We were jumping rooftops to try and get around..." She trails off, feeling the tears prickle her eyes. She clears her throat, blinking them back. "I didn't quite make it. I fell. I managed to grab onto a ledge and not get killed but...Ezra, Christa...they...they didn't know that. I managed to get out with another girl, the one who gave me the ice tool...I never saw any of them again." She explains. A thick silence falls over the group as they look at her.

"Who's Carver?" She asks finally, breaking that silence. A scattered glance is exchanged among the group. Angel gives a disgruntled sigh "I have never asked any of you about your pasts. I have never asked you to do anything for me. All I have ever done is try not to be dead weight because of what Luke and Nick did for me that day out in those woods. And since then you have treated this Carver like an urban myth, like Beetlejuice! If it's affecting how you're treating Clementine, I finally wanna know"

Rebecca narrows her eyes "it's been a long time since you saw your friend. And Carver recruits all kinds of people. He's a bad man, Angel." She answers, though it does not satiate the brunette's curiosity, but for her sake, she bites her tongue.

"You really think Carver would come after us?" Luke asks
"You think he wouldn't?" Nick retorts
"He's not exactly the type to let things die." Pete says

She can see Luke's jaw flex in the light of the candle "What happened, happened. There's nothing we can do about it now." He states.

"Let him come, I don't really give a damn." Alvin states, showcasing a new kind of severity Angel had never seen from him before.
"What?! I really don't!"

Another pause. Angel's eyes flicker around, eventually catching a disgruntled group members.

Nick sighs "you brought her back here, not me. You knew she was a bit" he says to Luke, voice tinged with resentment.
"What was I supposed to do, huh? Leave her out there to die?" Luke snaps back.

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