[ FIVE ]

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Angel sucks in a breath as she holds pulls the the crossbows thread back, lining up the shot as she stares down a deer across the field. Her hair was pulled back in a half-up ponytail, keeping her vision free from the strands that were prone to getting in the way.

The past month had been...well, it had been a lot. In some ways; it had been great. Once they got over that first week. Since then it had been a lot of scavenging now that supplies had been running low. A lot of house meetings. A lot of guilt, but also a lot of reassurance that what had happened hadn't been her fault. It helped to hear that.

Something in the distance catches her eye, she changes her line of aim. Exhales, and lets the arrow fly through the sky. It lands on whatever it had been, but the deer scurries away.

"Not bad." Luke says, coming up to her side. They walk through the forest. Angel looks as she sees the yellow tip of the arrow, kneeling down to grab it.

"It's a walker..." she hums softly, pulling it out. She turns back to Luke, a bright smile on her face. "I'm getting good at this though!"

Luke nods "you are. Considerin' how bad you were with the guns" he laughs at the memory.

"No one told me it would have that much kickback!" Angel protests "I've held one before but Jesus..."

Luke continues to laugh as they turn, heading back in the direction of the cabin. "You fell back so hard..." he muses. Angel rolls her eyes, looking at the crossbow. It had been Amanda's. And probably the only thing she could shoot worth a damn.

"I feel like I'm fulfilling some indigenous stereotypes though..." She remarks.

Luke gives her a lopsided smile "I wouldn't worry too much." He replies as the cabin comes into view.
"Easy for you to say. You're a white guy with a Southern accent and a rifle. When you fulfill the stereotype you get compared to something cool. Like a cowboy" She remarks. Luke only shakes his head, amused at the girls antics.

"Pete and I are headed out again later, if you wanna tag along. You could get some more practice with that thing" Luke offers, pushing at the cross bow in her hands.

"I promised Sarah I'd let her beat me at chess again." She replies. He reaches around her, opening the kitchen door for her. Angel brushes past him, setting her cross bow and bag on the table. Luke smiles softly.

"Don't put your shit on the table" He says teasingly, nudging her slightly. Angel rolls her eyes, moving to hang her things up. It was this kind of weird domesticity that Angel felt in the group that felt almost foreign to her. It had been so long since she'd been in a group, and now she was in one that wasn't at each others throats.

It was comforting. And it wasn't at the same time. She just kept waiting for that one thing to happen that would make all of those bad things happen too.

It felt for some reason like the day was just passing on for some reason. Like the hours flew by so much more than other days. It was nearing it's end when Angel was sitting in the living room with Sarah. The twelve year old had taken to trying to teach the older girl chess.

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