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Angel watches the rest of the group be lead upstairs to the resting places, sitting on the red plush sofas of the lodge near the fire. She shrugs off her red jacket, letting the warmth hit her, the silver dog-tags dangle from her neck.

There's a brief silence before any of them- Kenny, Ezra, Clementine, or Angel speak, until Kenny taps the brim of her hat.

"Still wearin' this dirty old thing, huh?" Kenny muses, smiling softly. Angel smiles too. The hat had some loose threads, some dried blood staining the cap, but it was Clementine's. Angel might not have recognized her right away when she turned up at the cabin.  Kenny looks at them, then continues "you know I half expected to see Lee walk up next to you. Y'all were like pees in a pod. Always had a soft spot for you two." Angel and Clementine's expressions fall slightly, Angel gives Clem a bittersweet smile, squeezing her shoulder slightly. Kenny's eyes widen. "Oh shit! I didn't mean to...it's just hard not to think about, you know?"

"He saved me." Clementine speaks, her voice soft. Kenny nods "I knew it. I knew he would. That guy had a fire in him, sure as shit. Hell...he was a hell of a guy"

Ezra shifts slightly, uncomfortable. Then he speaks "So, where uh..." he trails off, eyes narrowing then flickering to the two girls "where'd you two end up?" he asks finally. Angel frowns, knowing he had assumed she and Clem had been together this whole time, but also knowing that wasn't the case.

"Molly dragged me out of Savannah...she found me in an alleyway" Angel answers "I tried to stay close to Savannah...to look for Clem, to look for anyone really, then she dragged me further up North...til she got herself killed. About a year later I'm in the woods...running from these two guys- Luke and Nick found me. Saved my life pretty much, I guess" she explains, Ezra's eyes soften, his mouth slightly open. He quickly closes it.

" I was with Christa and Omid. Omid, well... Christa and I were together for a while, but these guys caught us. She's gone..." Clementine adds, filling the silence.

"Sounds like it ain't been easy for you two" Kenny says "I'm sorry, girls. I wish I coulda found you sooner. But everything's gonna be fine now"

Angel's eyes zero in on Ezra's stump, where his hand had been at one point. Ezra catches her staring. "I wanted a hook, but we couldn't find one. I'm thinking about just duct taping a knife to the end" He jokes, inspecting it slightly. Angel smiles softly, a humorous scoff exiting her.

"What...happened?" Clementine asks, narrowing her eyes on Ezra's hand, or lack thereof. He lets out a little chuckle, nodding.

"Well...after Angel I uh...well, I was a mess" Ezra admits "Omid and Christa couldn't help...I was uh...well, it was pretty pathetic to say the least. We got separated in the city, a walker snagged my sweater, managed to take off some fingers along the way. I managed to slip out and ran into Kenny...he lobbed my hand off back at that old hospital, the morgue we were in. Got to it quick enough, I guess, used the same supplies we used on Lee. So, long story short there's two dismembered hands back there now" He explains. Kenny nods.

"Long story short, we got lucky. Real lucky. Spent a long time just the pair of us after that. It, uh..." He pauses, not wanting to say anymore, his eyes have this pained look in them and he closes them for a moment "And then I met Sarita, thank god. Gosh, it's great to have you guys back!" He adds, in much higher spirits. Angel's eyes follow Sarita as she joins them, standing behind Kenny, putting a hand to his shoulder. He smiles brightly at her presence, Angel feels her heart pang. Even in their better moments back at the motel, Kenny had never looked at Katja like that. Different strokes, Angel supposed...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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