[ FOUR ]

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Angel froze at the sight of the gun and the man. He was larger than her, probably a bit taller, and plump with a think brown beard and hair, both were greying. He looked more tired than ill, like he hadn't slept in days. She slowly raises her hand and gulps as she stares at him.

"I'm sorry...we didn't know anyone was here..." she breathes, her hands trembling slightly, the beaded bracelet she had once shared with Ezra rattling as she did.

"Angel? Angel! You alright!?" Luke calls, he has moved from the window to the door, and she can hear the footsteps against the hardwood of Nick and Pete joining him.

"The door was locked." The man replies, staring her down. His eyes seem to soften a bit though as he sees the rattling bracelet and her fearful, deer-in-the-headlights look.

"Marcus?" A shaky voice breathes, coming from upstairs. Angel turns her head to see a frail, blonde woman standing at the top. She's young, maybe only a few years older than Angel herself. Her skin is discoloured, her eyes have a yellow tint to them. Angel had only seen that once before.

"Kristin!" Marcus huffs "go back upstairs!" he orders exasperatedly. The blonde doesn't listen, instead, she weakly pads down the stairs.

"Hi..." Angel greets her softly, not lowering her hands.

"They're just people, Marcus..." Kristin breathes, her voice has a raspy, yet somehow airy quality to it. "They should be a lot more scared of me then we are of them..." she adds.

Marcus lowers his rifle, placing a hang on her arm "You should be resting"

"What good will it do?" She replies, hopelessly. Angel's eyes travel down her skinny grey arms, seeing the indentation of teeth deep in her wrist.

"You're bit..." Angel whispers, eyes shifting from the bite to the woman's face. She looked despondent, but still gave a bittersweet smile. "I'm sorry..." Angel adds, looking between her and Marcus.

They can hear banging on the door outside.

"I can tell them to stop," Angel states. Kristin shakes her head. "You can let them in." The brunette blinks at this, glancing at her, then at Marcus, who seems to relent. She hesitantly shuffles towards the door, unlocking it and opening it. Luke stumbles a bit, as he was rearing up to try and kick at the door.

"You alright?" Pete asks. Angel nods, she steps out onto the porch, closing the door behind her.

"Two people. One of them...she's bit" Angel states. The three men stare at her. Nick sighs walking to the side.

"Well that's great, that's just fucking great." He spits.

"They're nice people...I think...I think she's just waiting it out" Angel adds, crossing her arms over her tee shirt "they're not bad...they're just, in a tough situation"

There is a pause between the four of them, the silence only cut through by the birds overhead.

"You think they would be okay with us bringing everyone else over?" Pete questions. Angel shrugs.

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