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"This might hurt a little" Carlos warns. Angel sits at Clementine's side while Luke paces the kitchen and Nick bites at his nails. Angel spares then a glance before she feels Clementine squeeze her hand.

"Ow!" The young girl hisses, Angel gives her a reassuring smile.

"How's she look?" Luke asks, standing behind Angel. The brunette looks to Carlos, waiting for his prognosis as well. "Are the stitches okay?" She asks.

Carlos released Clementines arm "her suturing skills need a bit of work..." he states, glancing at Angel "but otherwise, I think your friend will be fine."

"So it wasn't a lurker bite?" Luke clarifies, putting a hand on Angel's shoulder from behind the chair, as if to comfort her in case the answer was something she wouldn't like.

"If it was, the fever would've set in and her temperature would be through the roof" Carlos replies. He starts bandaging Clem's arm as Nick leaves the room. Angel and Luke exchange a knowing glance, going after him.

"I'll be right back..." Angel says to Clem.

Nick paces across the living room, looking distressed. He stops and gives a big sigh.

"You need to make things right, man" Luke states, looking at his friend with a kind of hardened sympathy. Nick nods, pinching the bridge of his nose. Luke looks to Angel, then to Nick. "With both of 'em" He adds.

"What?" Angel asks, furrowing her brows slightly

"He's right...I-I'm sorry, Ange." Nick states before either of them can say anything. Angel softens. It did feel good to hear that, after the heightened tensions.

"I'm fine, it's okay...look, I know why what happened out there happened, but she doesn't. She's just a kid" Angel replies, looking to Nick with empathy. Luke nods.

"Just be straight with her. And, you know, if you're too scared of a little girl, we'll be there" Luke adds, his tone a little playful at the end, trying to ease Nick's nerves, who chuckles dryly.

"You asshole" Nick scoffs, shaking his head. Angel smiles, she grabs the bowl of food they had been heating up by the fire, pulling her sleeves over her hands to protect them from the heat.

"Here...I'm immune to this by now..." Luke says, taking the bowl in his hands. Angel blinks, but lets him. Their about to go in as Carlos is leaving. Angel notices Nick's hesitance and hangs back momentarily. "Hey...just, take a breather. Okay? Don't force yourself," She says, trying to reassure him. Nick gives her a solemn nod, and she takes that as her cue to move back into the kitchen.

Luke places a bowl in front of Clem, who starts housing it down happily before he can even sit down in the seat across from her. Angel smiles at the sight, taking the seat beside Clementine.

"You're gonna have a hell of a scar, kiddo" Angel remarks, looking at her bandaged arm. Clementine grimaces at the sight.
"Better than losing it" She states, causing a bittersweet look to cross Angel's face.

"You can say that again" Luke chimes in "scars...they're way cooler than stumps"  Clementine looks sad. She passes a glance to Angel, who gives her a tight smile, putting her hand on the younger girls shoulder. "What?" Luke asks nervously

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