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The woods are thick and the trail is slender, and although Angel is with friends she doesn't quite feel at ease, always looking over her shoulder since that night in the woods a little over a month ago. Her ice tool was tucked into her backpack, always ready for her to grab.

"How ya holding up? I hear ya got an earful from Rebecca last night. Once she gets going, there's no bringing her back. Her bark's worse than her bite" She hears Pete say to Clementine, she increases her pace slightly, coming up on Pete's side.

"What's her problem?" Clementine asks, clearly displeased.
"Well, she's got a lot on her mind, lately. Bringing a baby into a world like this?" Pete reasons. That seems enough to make Clementine understand. Angel smiles slightly as they continue down the trail.

"How far are these fish traps?" Clementine asks.

"Not too far," Angel replies "just down by the river..."

"Yeah, it ain't far" Pete adds, then notices as Clementine looks at the rifle in his hands "Anyone teach you how to shoot? By that I mean taught proper- any idiot with a finger can shoot" Pete asks. Clementine nods, the brim of her hat lifting slightly as she does so.

"My friend Lee taught me. He showed Angel too..." Clementine replies. Pete lets out a little chuckle.

"Well, Angel's not the best with rifles...I remember when Luke tried to show you- the kickback knocked you into him somethin' terrible. She's not bad with Manda's crossbow, though. That kickback would probably knock you on your ass, Clementine" He says, still laughing, Angel shakes her head though she's laughing too.

"Come on, you're ruining my street cred with the kid" Angel jokes.

"Eh, can't be worse than my nephew." Pete shrugs, then looks to Clementine "Nick was about your age first time I took him huntin'. Came across this beautiful 13-point buck just standin' there on the ridgeline. The boy takes the rifle, lines up the shot just like I taught him, then I hear him start whining, he turns to me and he says 'I can't shoot it, Uncle Pete, please don't make me shoot it.'" He recants. Angel's lips pull into a smile empathetic towards Nick, even if he hadn't caught up to them yet.

"Awe...that's sad" She says
"What a baby" Clementine adds
"Clemmie!" Angel laughs, surprised by her words

The sound of the forest floor crunching beneath someones footsteps draws Angel's attention away. Nick runs up, looking cross with them. Angel hangs back a bit, falling in step.

"Hey! Why didn't you wait?" He asks the group. Angel shrugs softly.
"I tried" she says, holding her hands up defensively.
Pete looks back at his nephew as the group pause on the trail. "You want us standin' around while you piss on a tree? You know where the river is, boy!" He says, and soon their set out on the trail again, Nick muttering something under his breath, while Pete rears back into his storytelling.

"Anyway, so I grab the gun out of his hand before this big buck runs off when BANG! The gun fires. Boy nearly gut shot me. And of course the buck gets away" He explains. Nick scoffs.

"What're you goin' and tellin' 'em this shit for?" He asks, exasperated and angry.

"Because you nearly blew her goddamn face off yesterday and you scared the hell out of Angel! Seems relevant. I'm tryin' to let 'em know it's nothing personal with you" Pete snaps back

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