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"Looks like we can stay off the streets all the way to River Street...if we're careful" Kenny comments as Lee opens the balconette door. Angel and Ezra linger behind them- Angel in a blood stained pink sweater and headband, a far off look in her eyes surrounded by dark circles, Ezra in the same bright yellow sweater he wore, his hair in the same short afro it had always been in, a bruise forming under his left eye.

"Let's go." Christa urges, coming to Lee's side. Ben soon joins them. Angel and Ezra exchange an uneasy glance, following suit. Lee is the first to go, climbing onto the metal rail and lunging to the building next to them. It's a short gap. It doesn't make Angel feel anymore at ease. Omid follows even with his bum leg, then Christa, then Kenny.

Ben glances to Angel and Ezra, his despondent eyes narrowing from Angel, who didn't have it in her to look at him with the same glare she had been since Ben's confession at Crawford.

"You guys...you should go first" Ben says, looking away. Ezra grits his teeth, ushering Angel forward.

"You gonna be okay, A?" He asks her as he notices her knees start to tremble as she looks down.

"Well..." she begins "this is definitely the highest I've ever been..." she breathes. Ezra nods. She grips his hand as helps her onto the rail, her knees shaking every step of the way. She hesitates.

"Jump!" Christa shouts.
"She's scared of heights!" Ezra shouts back

"Just...give her a minute" Lee says, though he too is a bit exasperated. The balconette begins to creak, Angel's eyes go wide and she finally flings herself from the object. Kenny helps to pull her up, she looks back, seeing the rails start to come undone from the wall...

"Try going at the same time" Kenny suggests, noting Ben and Ezra's hesitation now at the rickety structure.

"Will that hold?" Christa asks, just as skeptical.

"You really wanna count on these two star athletes to make the jump from the door?" Kenny replies sarcastically "If it breaks, they can still make it if they jump"

And so, Ben climbs atop the loose side, while Ezra stands on the more stable of the two. They both pause for a second, the sound of the screw clinking under their weight. Ezra jumps. Ben doesn't.

"Ah!" Ben screams the whole way down. In the darkness of the alley, no one can see him.

"Me and my fuckin' mouth..." Kenny says softly

"Holy fuck!" Omid stresses "what are we gonna do?!"

Silently, Kenny and Lee share a glance, Angel can see the guilt in her uncles eyes, before he starts down a ladder at the side of the building.

"Stay up here, keep an eye out" Lee instructs, turning towards them
"Okay...but We can't see much from up here..." Omid comments
"Just let us know if they start coming down the alley. We'll be back"

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