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Angel freezes a bit in the doorway, seeing the mans wolfish features peak through the crack. She swallows softly. She knows he's waiting for an answer.

"Can I help you?" She asks, her guard up. He bares a grin down at her, at her big brown eyes and soft, almost bunny like features. Angel wasn't exactly intimidating. She never had been. She knew that invited people to fuck with her.

"Hey there, how are ya?" He asks, seemingly ignoring her question. Angel frowns, trying to keep the door open just a crack, though she knows he sees Clementine peaking around her.

"We're just fine...thanks. Do you...need something?" She asks, trying to push Clem a little further back. Her eyes flicker to the mans hip, where she can see a pistol in its leather holster. Her eyes linger for a moment. Her other hand starts to reach to where her ice tool normally was, against the door, when she feels the empty space she quickly remembers: Nick.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" The man continues, seeing her gaze. Her round brown eyes snap back up to his face, holding her jaw steady as he continues "My family and I are set up a ways downriver. I'm uh...kinda surprised we haven't run into each other yet. What're your girls names?" He asks.

"I'm Lilly...this is Carley." Angel lies quickly, trying not to let it show on her face.
"Those are sweet names. You girls mind if I come in? I've been out all morning...this heat has me cooked." Angel is about to shut the door when he pushes past her, walking right into the cabin. She sucks in a breath, gritting her teeth.

"We actually do mind." Angel says, trying to keep her nerve. It doesn't matter to him though.

"This is a nice place. Is there anyone around? You don't usually see cabins this big out here. Sure could pack a lot of folks in there" He observes, paying her no mind. Angel follows as he wanders.

"It's us and our dad. He's out right now. He doesn't like strangers..." Angel lies
"Yeah? What's his name?" The man asks, still taking a gander around the cabin.
"Kenny." She answers quickly. It felt easier, somehow, to draw on names she knew, so that it wouldn't seem obvious that she was lying. She needed to keep her nerve. She would do what it took to survive.
"Funny name. I like him already" The man says.

"Well, I'll cut to the chase; I'm looking for my people" The man starts to explain "Seven of them, to be exact. They've been gone a long while and well, I'm worried they might've gotten lost. Maybe you've seen 'em: couple of farm boys and an old man... Spanish guy and his daughter. Quiet girl, bit taller than you. A big black guy. This big. And a pretty little pregnant lady" He lists off. Angel shakes her head with a little shrug.

"I'm sorry to hear that...that's a lot of people to lose" Angel says, feigning sympathy
"Tell me about it, this whole damn thing's a pain in the ass"

Carver walks towards the kitchen door. Angel looks to Clementine, motioning for her to stay there as the brunette follows him in, his eyes lingering on the plentiful display of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink.

"That's a lotta plates for three people, looks like a damn tornado ran through here." He observes
"The little ones in charge of dishes." She states, leaning against the counter. He looks to her, staring her down for a minute.
"Funny. You two don't look like sisters" She stares right back.
"That's a very intrusive thing to say." She states "but if you really wanna know: we had different moms. Both are dead now." Her goal was to try and make him as uncomfortable as possible, but she couldn't tell if it was working or not. Angel's eyes land on a knife on the counter as the man continues to yammer on.

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