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Angel felt like she was still finding her footing as they made it off the bridge and towards the station house, the panic in the group had not subsided as she sucks in a breath, seeing Luke do the same with his hands on his knees as they try and process what they had seen.

"Who the fuck was that back there?" Rebecca asks, already out of breath as she finds a seat on a nearby rock.

"I don't...I don't know" Luke replies, still frazzled

"Looked like he had a gun on you two" Alvin interjects, panicked

Nick immediately piles onto that, hoping to further defend himself "that asshole drew on me!" He states "He was about to shoot!"
"Oh, was he?" Luke retorts, the sarcasm drips from his voice. Angel crosses her arm, casting her gaze downward.
"I'm telling you man! He drew first!"

"Shut up, Nick" Clementine speaks, earning a nasty look from the adult. Angel's eyes flicker up to him, a warning gaze in her eyes.

"Look, everyone chill out!" Angel finally says, exasperatedly

"What did you see, Angel? Was the guy gonna shoot?" Alvin asks, causing her eyes to flicker over to him. She glances at Luke for a moment, then back to the group.

"Fuck you, Luke!" Nick interrupts "you've been on my case all week!"
"And why do you think that is, Nick?!" Luke asks in his exasperation, growing more frustrated in the exchange. "Because you're an asshole?" Nick retorts, in the same vein he had lashed out at Pete last he had seen him.

"He wasn't going to do anything!" Angel says, trying to break the pattern. Nick looks at her with his hardened gaze. "I know what I saw" Nick states stubbornly with a wave of his arm.
"Either way-" Luke says "you coulda hit one of us!" he points out, gesturing to Angel.
"Yeah, but I didn't" Nick points out. Luke shakes his head, stammering a bit.
"Look I-I know Pete was close to you Nick, but you can't-"
"Don't fucking talk about him." Nick cuts him off. There's a brief pause, before Carlos interjects.

"Do you think he was with Carver?" He asks softly

"I don't know!" Luke admits "I...No. I don't think so, but be fell over"
"He fell off the damn bridge?" Alvin asks
"We both did too. Except we didn't have a bullet wound in our necks." Luke says pointedly, stirring the pot.
"We have to keep moving." Carlos states
Rebecca keeps a hand on her stomach, her head down "I can't...I need a minute" she breathes
"Fine." Is all she is met with. That, and the tense silence that follows. "Luke...can I talk to you alone?" Carlos requests. The two break away from the group, Nick watches them go with a heavy sneer and he storms off, away from the group.

"Hey, Ange, you got anything to eat?" Alvin asks, his hands in his jacket pocket. He looks a little embarrassed to be asking. "Bec's dying here," he adds, more sure of himself.
"Alvin, I told you I'm fine" Rebecca waves him off dismissively. Angel looks at her with empathy, feeling the hunger in her own stomach, but all the brunette can do is shake her head, putting her stuff down on the ground as she feels it strain against her shoulders and hands.

"I think I'm out. You're more than welcome to check...that guy, he said he had some food in that station house...I can probably check it out" Angel says, looking over at the little building.

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