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Angel gets the strong feeling of deja vu as she and the cabin group walk through the forest, the gaps of sunlight peaking through the overgrowth.

"Where's your ice tool?" Luke asks, breaking her from her thoughts, breaking the silence they all marched in. It was now that Angel could only recall Nick's words when he had been drunk. About them marching, about someone else dying. She tries to shake it off.

"I gave it to Nick..." she replies softly, continuing up the path, Clementine by her side "before we got separated, I tossed it to him. Figured he might need it more" She answers

"You said it was just up here?" Luke asks, he tries to keep the edge from his voice, to not let on how worried he was, Angel could hear it though, it tinted the ends of his words. She nods, looking at him.

"He's probably okay...the shed was pretty secure...probably" Angel says, trying to be reassuring
"Well, that's a hell of a way to say that!" Luke replies, the edge effecting his voice a bit more.

"He got locked in a shed?" Clementine asks from Angel's side, the irony apparent in her tone. Angel holds back a smile badly and gives her a scolding look.

"Don't be a smart-ass, Clem" she replies, though it's hard to say when she sees the sly little smile on the younger girls face.

"Hey Ange, Clem" She hears Rebecca say. The brunette hangs back a bit, walking with the woman. "I'm sorry if I gave Clem some shit back there...I'm just a little on edge." She apologizes. Angel glances to Clementine, trying to gauge the girls reaction to it. Rebecca's attention also goes to the younger girl.

"I still don't like what you did, sneakin' around on us and taking advantage of my husband but I know you were in a tough spot, I'll try to cut you some slack"

"It's okay..." Clementine replies, causing Angel to crack a small smile.
"If it's not you I'm yellin' at lately, it's Alvin, and then I'm in real trouble" Rebecca admits. Angel puts a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to be comforting.
"I can handle it" Clementine states "I'm not a little kid"
Angel snickers a bit "I'm pretty sure we all felt that way when we were your age, Clemmie"
"I know I did...my dad was always giving me shit, and I always thought he didn't know a damn thing" Rebecca adds, her dark eyes flicker to Angel's, now looking apologetically at the younger woman.

"I know you did your best back there. You know, none of us would make it on our own. Sometimes it's hard knowing just how dependent I am on everyone. I'm not used to that. I'm not comfortable with that. I'm supposed to be a mom soon..." Rebecca levels with her, putting a hand on her round stomach "Guess I need to work on my patience. Alvin and I still don't know what to call her, or him, if that man gets his wish, God help me. You got any ideas?" She asks, but Angel gives her a quick apologetic glance, before breaking away from the trail and into the woods, the shed slowly coming into sight. Nick wasn't outside, dead or alive.

Luke finds his way to Angel's side as they slowly approach it. "It's this one..." she breathes, nodding towards the structure. Luke takes out a few walkers with his machete as they now find themselves at the shelters doorstep.

"Nick?!" Luke calls towards the wooden doors. He gives Angel a worried look when no one calls back. "Get the door..." he breathes, his worry more apparent than ever. Angel pulls at the wooden doors and they fall open, the light catching Nick's body, sprawled on the floor. Angel jumps back a bit, expecting an ugly sight, the back of her hand hitting and remaining against Luke's chest as if to stop him from going further and potentially be traumatized.

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