The First Snow

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Lee Minho

I was cleaning the apartment ready for tonight. I was going to be having my best friend over. He was going to be staying the night. It was our weekly thing. I knew that he didn’t mind if the place was slightly messy, as we had been friends since we were children, but I wanted to have it clean. I knew his apartment with his friends wasn’t always the cleanest, this was mostly because eight of them lived together. That’s why he liked my place so much. He liked that I always “kept it clean”.

I liked him. I liked him more than just a best friend should, but I have never told him. I knew that if I did tell him and he rejected me, it would ruin our friendship. That’s why I never told him how I truly felt about him. I knew he would just reject me because he saw me as only a friend. To avoid this rejection, I just hid my feelings and how I felt. Having him as a friend was enough for me, even if it hurt. I just didn’t want to lose him. He was everything to me. I loved him.

There was a forecast for there to be snow this evening

In my family, there was an old tradition. If you saw the first snow with someone you liked then things were meant to be between the both of you. You and that person were soulmates. I hoped that it would snow, maybe then I would have enough courage to tell him how I felt. The fear of rejection was still there, however. I guess I just had to wait and see what happened this evening.

I put down the last cleaning utensil and went to take a shower before Minho got here. He was due in an hour, he was coming straight from the company. An hour gave me enough time to have a shower, get into pyjamas and get snacks ready for the night ahead. We were going to be watching films, catching up on what we had both done during that week. These times were my favourite to spend with Minho.

I soon came downstairs and went into the kitchen. I heard the passcode being put into my door, signalling that Minho was here. He knew the password to the apartment as this place was practically his second home when he wasn’t in the dorms with the members. I smiled and went to the living room with bowls with various junk foods inside. We were going to be pigging out tonight and I didn’t really care.

I sat on the sofa, waiting for him to come in. The door opened and I heard the sound of a coat being shrugged off, shoes being put down and a bag being dropped on the floor. I chucked to myself. Minho made his way into the living room, a tired look on his face. I knew he was probably tired. He told me that he had been busy all day today.

Minho was an idol and part of a group that’s fanbase was growing quickly. I understood that he would be tired from practicing all day. I pouted and tapped the seat next to me. He sat down and leaned his head back against the back of the sofa, closing his eyes.

“Hey, Minho. How was your day? How was practicing today?” I attempted to make conversation.

“Tiring, y/n. Comeback season is coming soon. There is still a lot of work to be done." He glanced at me.

“I know that you will do amazing though. You guys kill it with every single comeback. I believe in you. You got this. You’re Lee Know.” I smiled over at him.

He just simply nodded at me.

“I know. You say that every comeback, y/n. The hard work will pay off in the end.” He mumbled.

“Anyways, how about you go take a shower because you probably smell of sweat. After that, we can focus on tonight. There is a Harry Potter marathon with our names on it.” I giggled slightly.

He let out a chuckle and nodded, going upstairs. Fifteen minutes later, he came downstairs in some pyjamas that he kept here. He sat down on the sofa and put his arm around my shoulder. I blushed and snuggled into him. He mentioned something about the forecast for snow. My smile went wider. As kids my parents would joke about the family tradition, he must have remembered, which made me wonder about his feelings.

We started watching the first Harry Potter. Halfway through the second film, I looked out of the balcony doors for a brief moment and it had started to snow. Now was my moment. I smiled and nudged Minho, motioning to the doors. He looked out them and then back towards me.

I got up, grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the balcony. I was telling him, tonight.

The male protested as I brought him closer to the doors, whining that it was cold outside. I opened the balcony doors, letting the cold air in. I glanced at him, he was staring at the snow falling. I slipped my hand into his. He squeezed it, before letting go to put his arm around my back. I blushed, cuddling into his side, putting my own arm around his front.

“y/n, I need to tell you something.” He looked down at me.

“You can tell me anything, Minho, you know that.” I stared up into his eyes.

“I’m not good with these things, especially with how I feel, but y/n, I like you. I’ve liked you since we were children.” He kept eye contact with me.

“Minho, I feel the same way. I never told you because I was scared. I was scared that you didn’t feel the same way and would just reject me.” I smiled, putting my hand on his cheek.

Minho had a smile on his face. He hugged me tighter, causing me to giggle slightly. I felt him look down at me. I made eye contact with him again.

He started to slowly lean in, his eyes flickering from my lips to my eyes. Soon enough our lips met in a soft kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, him putting his on my waist. Kissing felt like how I dreamed. It felt right like we were made for each other. He was the first one to break the kiss, putting his forehead against mine.

I closed my eyes, playing with the hair on his nape. He rubbed his nose against mine before kissing me again, a little more passionately this time. Before things could go any further, I broke the kiss. I couldn’t believe this had finally happened. I had finally confessed my feelings for him and he felt the same way.

“I love you, Kim y/n~” Minho whispered so only I could hear.

“I love you too, Lee Minho.” I mumbled, watching the snowfall.

He scooped me up bridal style and carried me back into the living room so we could continue our Harry Potter marathon. I giggled slightly as we went back in. He sat on the sofa with me in his lap. I snuggled into him., sighing happily.

This tradition was the best thing that ever happened to us.

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