Leaving You

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Lee Felix

It was our last day together.

Tonight, he will leave me, leave us..

I knew this was coming. We had been talking about it for months. I knew that one day it would come to the point where he would have to leave me. I couldn’t be selfish and tell him not to go. He would let down thousands of people if he didn’t go, it was his job after all. I couldn’t be too sad, I had had him for two years to myself.

He was an idol and his group were going on tour again for the first time in two years. He was so excited to be able to see his fans again. The tour starts tonight in Seoul. I was going to be at the show then was going to be saying goodbye to him at the end. It was going to be hard for the both of us. For the past two years it had been me, him and our daughter. Every moment we could spend together we did, we made the most of it.

For the first time in two years, he would leave me and our one year old daughter. It was only going to be for a month, but it was going to be hard. I would have come with him while his group were on their Korea leg of the tour, but I had to stay home with our daughter. I was going to miss him, but I knew he’d be back, back for me. I just had to wait a few months. I knew we could call and text, but it wasn’t the same as being together.

I knew our daughter was going to miss him even more than I was. She was a complete daddy’s girl. They were inseparable. It was a cute sight to see, but it was going to be heartbreaking to see the both of them being split up for a long period of time. That’s why when we went to the concert, she was going to be staying with my parents for the night, it was less hassle and she loved my parents which was a bonus. I knew that was going to be better for him as well. It would be easier for him to leave her if she was with my parents.

I woke up alone, looking at the packed suitcase sitting in the corner of our bedroom. I sighed softly remembering how I helped him pack that last night, another reminder that he was leaving us. He was currently at work doing last minute practice for the concert. He was going to be home later in the afternoon. His agency gave the members time to relax before they were going to be on the move for such a long time.

I checked my phone. I had two messages from Felix. Once wishing me good morning and one telling when he was going to be home. He wasn’t going to be home until the late afternoon. It was currently mid morning so I had enough time. I heard Iris’, our daughter, soft cries coming from the baby monitor. Putting on my robe, I made my way to our daughter’s room.

“Morning, little princess.” I smiled, picking up the baby in my arms.

She immediately stopped crying as soon as I picked her up. I rocked her in my arms before leaving her room with her and going to the kitchen with her to give her breakfast. I opened the fridge and got Iris’ baby food. My priority was to make sure that she was fed before I even thought of getting myself breakfast. Iris always came first. I made her breakfast and sat down, starting to feed her. Like the good girl she was, Iris ate the food nicely. Iris was one of the easiest babies and always had been since she was born.

I soon finished feeding Iris, cleaned her up and got myself some food. So I could keep an eye on her, I gave her a toy to play with. This was normal for the mornings Felix wasn’t here. If Felix was here, he would entertain her while I ate. We were a team and I was going to miss that when he left. When I finished eating, I cleaned the bowls I had used, then picked Iris up.

I took her into the living room and put her in her play nest. It was a plush ring so that if she fell over, she wouldn’t hurt herself. She had a couple of toys in there and she loved it. I sat on the floor next to the play nest, watching her play. I smiled, taking pictures and sending them to Felix.

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