Summer Love

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Lee Minho

Not many people can say that they were lucky enough to stay with a fling they had while on a summer holiday. I never thought I would still be with the boy I met all those years ago while I was away with my family in Australia. It was like a dream, like one of those teen summer movies that everyone would go crazy over.

We met when I was 17 and he was 18. We met around the pool. He was with some of his friends. When we first talked to each other, there was a language barrier between us. He was Korean and I was British. Luckily, one of his friends, who was Australian, came to the rescue and kinda became our little translator. This wasn’t for the whole time though as we learnt little phrases in each other’s languages. We spent every minute we could spend together that summer. It was hard leaving him at the end of it all. We traded numbers and texted pretty much all the time.

The time difference between England and Korea made finding time to talk to each other hard, but we made it work until the following summer when he flew out to meet me in England. The long distance wasn’t easy for both of us, but two years after we met, after saving, I moved to live with him.

Five years later, we were finally getting married. He popped the question on the anniversary of our first meeting. Minho was the best boyfriend. He made sure to take care of me and make sure that I was happy. My parents loved him as well. He got along with them so well which I was happy about. He was perfect and I couldn’t believe I was finally marrying him.

I looked in the mirror, smoothing out my white dress. I had a huge smile on my face. My mother came into the room. She looked as if she was going to cry. I turned around and smiled at her.

“Ahh, y/n~ you look amazing. I can’t believe how grown up you look, my baby girl is getting married.” She smiled coming over to me, putting her arms around my waist, pulling me into her embrace.

“T-Thank you, mum.. I’m so nervous though. What if I say the wrong thing or mess up on my words and embarrass myself. What if Minho just doesn’t turn up and he runs away?” I panicked, looking at my mum.

“Trust me, that won’t happen, sweetie. Minho loves you. That boy is head over heels for you.” She reassured me.

I nodded, turning back and looking in the mirror.

I took a deep breath and smoothed out my dress for the upteenth time. I was ready, ready to marry the love of my life, my summer love. I turned around, looking at my mum again. She got my veil, that was hers when she married my dad and clipped it in my hair. I smiled, hugging her tight. I felt her back shaking, signalling she was crying. I tried not to cry or I would mess up my make-up, but it was hard not to when my mum was crying. She looked up and smiled, they were happy tears.

Soon it was time to go to the venue where Minho and I were getting married. My parents and I left the hotel and went out to the car that was waiting for me outside. I sat in the car with my mum and dad either side of me, each holding my hands. I smiled, leaning my head on my father’s shoulder. Being with my parents helped calm down my nerves a lot.

I knew that I had nothing to worry about. Minho was going to be standing there, waiting for me. He wasn’t going to run or abandon me in the aisle. Everything was going to be ok. I was marrying the love of my life. I couldn’t wait. I was excited.

As a kid I had always imagined what my wedding would be like and now I could experience it. We arrived at the venue and got out. The photographer was standing there. He was going to be taking photos throughout the day.

My mother was the first to head in the venue to let everyone know I was there. She came back to me. My bridesmaids got out of the car they were sharing. My best friend, my maid of honour, came up to me and hugged me tight.

“y/n~ You look amazing! This dress is amazing. You look like royalty.” Mina smiled.

“Thank you, Mina. You all look so beautiful.” I hugged her back.

I let my bridesmaids all choose their own dresses, but it had to fit the colour scheme which was lavender. We stood outside talking for a little longer before we were able to go in and start the ceremony. The Stray Kids members bar Minho came out of the venue. They all looked amazing in their matching suits, their suits matched Minho’s. Minho and I had seven groomsmen and bridesmaids each. Jisung was Minho’s best man.

We all got into position. Minho and Jisung linked arms and my other bridesmaids linked arms with their respective groomsmen. My dad linked his arm with mine, my mum was going to be following us. I held my bouquet and we walked into the building. The wedding march started playing. I couldn’t see Minho yet. I knew if I did, I would have started crying.

Minho was standing there. He looked nervous. His eyes met with mine. They were filled with nothing but love and admiration. I was smiling like an idiot underneath my veil. My smile went wider as I reached him. He took both of my hands in his, kissing them both, ushering an audible ‘aww’ from our family and friends. I blushed as the officiator announced that everyone could now sit in their seats.

The ceremony started and it was beautiful. After we exchanged rings, it became time for Minho and I to say the vows that we had written for each other. Minho was first. He took the microphone from the officiator.

“y/n, I’m not good with words, you and everyone in this room knows this, but I’m so glad that I met that one year while I was on holiday with the members in Australia. I still can’t believe we’re marrying each other. I promise to take care of you for the rest of our lives and be a good husband and eventually, be a good father to our children. I love you so much, y/n.” Minho smiled, keeping eye contact with me.

I wiped my eyes of the tears that had slipped. I took the microphone from him. There was no way I was going to be able to top him, but I was going to try. I matched his smile and squeezed his hand before starting to say the vows I had written for him.

“Minho, not many people can say that they are lucky enough to stay with a summer fling they had while on a summer holiday. I’m so happy that, despite the time difference for two years, we found a way to make this work. Five years ago, we promised to make it work and now five years later, I promise to always be there for you, through sickness and health, through whatever life throws at us.” I smiled.

Minho’s smile widened. I passed the microphone back to the officiator. He looked at the both of us, asking for us to join hands. We did as he asked, both of us smiling like idiots.

“Do you Minho take the y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall live?” The officiator asked Minho.

“I do.” Minho nodded.

“Do you y/n take the Minho to be your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?” The officiator asked me, Minho looking at me nervously.

“I do.” I smiled at Minho.

Minho’s look changed back into his adorable smile again.

“Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Lee. You may now kiss the bride.” The officiator smiled at the both of us.

Minho lifted my veil over my head and pulled me in for a kiss. I could feel him smiling as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. I smiled in the kiss, just loving being in his arms.

He was the one to break the kiss. He put his forehead against mine, eyes still closed. I kept mine closed, sighing happily, playing with the hair at the back of his neck. Everyone around us, our family and friends, were cheering for us. I broke away from him, still holding onto him.

Minho brought me into a quick hug and let go so we could go sign the legal documents. After we had done this, Minho scooped me up in bridal style and ran out of the venue with me. He put me down when we were outside. I looked over at my husband who was checking me out.

“You look amazing, darling.” He smiled, bringing me into a passionate kiss before I could say anything.

Our summer love turned into forever and I couldn’t imagine it any other way

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