College Boyfriend

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Yang Jeongin

I opened the door of the apartment. I took off my coat and hung it up in the hallway. I ran my fingers through my hair and went into the kitchen. I got myself a drink of water. I sighed softly. It had been a long day. Classes were hellish and very tiring. It didn’t help that the people in my actual classes annoyed the hell out of me.

I was a music performance major. We were working on our main performance for this assignment. It was a big part of our grade. It was a solo performance and we had to perform at least five songs each in front of the whole college. A lot of people came to see the performances by the music students. This meant that I had to do a lot of work after class. I stayed behind after the college day had ended almost every day.

I knew it was affecting him. I knew that he said that he understood that I had to stay back, but I felt bad. When I got home from campus, I would just be too tired to do anything and end up crashing. I felt bad that I couldn’t spend time with him. I knew that after I was done with this project, I could spend more time with him and make up for the lost time.

I made my way into the living room to where he was. He was playing video games with his friends, like always. It was what he did when he was waiting for me to get home. I went up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck, causing him to pause his game. He took his headset off, turning to me.

I ran my fingers through his hair. He kissed me quickly, smiling at me.

“y/n-ie, you’re finally home!” The boy smiled, bringing me into a hug.

“I’m so sorry for being late home, Innie” I melted in Jeongin’s touch.

“All that matters is that you are here now, with me.” Jeongin kissed my forehead and brought me to sit down next to him.

Jeongin and I had met at one of my performances. He was with his friends. His friends seemed to egg him on to talk to me. I had seen him around the music department and we had made small talk but had never had a proper conversation. When he came over, we hit it off straight away, planning a meet up the week later for coffee. He asked me out on a proper date and the rest was history.

He was a dance major so he would come home every day waiting for me so he could show me the moves he and his friends had practiced for their group. They were quite good and worked hard. They were some of the most popular guys on campus. A lot of girls were jealous of me and the other guy’s girlfriends.

He told his friends that he had to go. He went to turn off his game and then came to me. I smiled at my boyfriend. He recently got a perm so his hair was extra fluffy and curly. The boy took his place next to me and brought me into his arms. I, again, melted into his touch, just loving him holding me. Jeongin wasn’t a big fan of skinship so I let him mostly initiate any sort of hugs and kisses. I would only hug or kiss him when I got home from college.

We had been living together for a year now and it had been amazing. He was the most caring boyfriend a girl could ask for. He was loving in his own way and always had a smile on his face. It was adorable. We had been together for almost two years and when it was time for us to move out of college accommodation we decided to just move in together. Our parents were a bit unsure when we told them, but, we wanted to take the step. It was a big step, but it was worth it. Jeongin made me happy and I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.

He kissed my forehead and asked me to share my day. So I did. He listened reacting in the right way and at the appropriate times. In turn, he told me about his day.

“y/n, I want you to feel relaxed. Let’s take a bath together.” He suggested.

“Really? I like that idea.” I leaned up and kissed his cheek, getting off the sofa.

He took my hand and took me to the bathroom. He told me to close my eyes. I did as he asked and opened my eyes again when we had got into the bathroom. When I entered the room, I saw that the bathroom was already filled full of bubbles. There were candles lit. I turned around to see my boyfriend behind me. I smiled, giving him a kiss on the lips.

After getting undressed, I got in the bath, sitting down, Jeongin getting in straight after me. I sighed happily. He pulled me into his arms, between his legs, my back against his chest. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, so it was on his shoulder. He kissed from my cheek to my neck, leaving kisses. I felt relaxed.

Spending this time with him was the best. I would always savour the moments I had with Jeongin. He made me happy and I hoped it was the same for him.

After the bath, we dried ourselves and went into our shared bedroom. Neither of us had eaten yet so we ordered some food for dinner. We got in our pyjamas and got cuddled up downstairs on the sofa. We brought down the duvet from my bed. We watched all the spiderman films. We had a quiet evening together, eating while watching the TV.

We decided to go to bed quite early as we both had to be up early the next day. We made sure everything was cleared away before going up to our bed. After doing our night routines together, we got into bed.

“y/n-ie~” The fluffy-haired boy smiled at me, making eye contact “I love you.”

“I love you too, Inne.” I smiled, causing him to kiss me.

His kisses were the best way to end the day. We fell asleep in each other's arms with smiles on our faces.

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