Enemies To Lovers

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Bang Chan

Everyone in the whole school knew who we were. The top performers of the senior year. You would think that because of this we would be friends and supportive of each other, but nothing could be more wrong. He was one of the most annoying people. He would mock me, every chance he could get. Everything was a competition to him and it was just so irritating. Like I said, everyone in the school knew who we were so whenever we had another little argument, it got around like wildfire.

It just seemed like everything was a game to him, like my feelings were a game to him. I wondered why he chose me to pick on. I picked on him back, but only because I retaliated to everything he had said to me. I didn’t hate him. I actually liked him. I found him quite cute and if he wasn’t an asshole, I would even have a crush on him. A lot of girls in the school had crushes on him. I couldn’t blame them. Anyone would want a  cute nerd to date them.

He was good at everything, not only was he good at academics, but he was an amazing dancer. We were in the same classes this year, that’s where this ‘rivalry’ started. It was well known that he was one of the best singers in the school, I was not as good but not at his level. In our first assessment for the subject, I out-performed him in the unit. I got the top mark and he was just below me. Him, jealous that I was above him, nitpicked on the song I had created myself. I never listened to him because I knew he was jealous, but ever since then he made it his mission to make fun of everything that I did.

This guy was really starting to get on my nerves. At this point, I was ready to just slap him whenever he decided to be a dick to me. I knew violence was never the answer, but I wanted to wipe his stupid smirk off his face whenever he knew he had got to me. I wouldn’t show it, but his words hurt and I just wanted them to stop. He was just a dick and I had had enough of it at this point. I couldn’t wait to get out of that school this year, get away from him.

I stood at my locker, getting my back ready for the day. I had just enough time before Bang Chan came into school to go to the music classroom. Our school was a performing arts college. My subjects were music production/songwriting and performance. I wanted to one day become someone in the music business whether it was performing or being a songwriter. It was a dream, an unrealistic dream, but a dream nonetheless. I worked hard and made sure that every song I wrote was perfect, I wasn’t finished with the song unless I was 100% happy with it.

I closed my locker door and low and behold Bang Chan was standing there. I jumped looking at him. He laughed before leaning up against the closed locker.

“So, the little show off comes to school early to hide from me, hmm?” He smirked. “How interesting…”

I just rolled my eyes, ignoring him, walking past him so I could go to the classroom where our class was. Ignoring him was the best way to make him stop. That’s what they all told me. ‘Just ignore him, he’ll see he’s not getting a reaction and he’ll stop.’ I had been ignoring him for half a year and it seemed like he was getting worse. It was borderline bullying at this point and I hated seeing his annoyingly handsome face wherever I went. I couldn’t lie Bang Chan was attractive, but he was an asshole.

I could tell he was following me. I always came to college when there were not many people at school. I liked it when it was quiet and I could go from place to place without people crowding the hallways. They would just stand there gawking at Bang Chan like he was an animal in a zoo. Girls were just so obsessed with him and it fed his already huge ego that he just loved to rub in my face that girls loved him, as if it would make me jealous of him.

I walked into the classroom, going straight to my seat and getting my laptop out. I was going to use the extra time I had to work on the song I had been working on. It was addressed to Bang Chan. The message being ‘even though you are a huge asshole, I can’t help, but think about you all day’. This wasn’t a love song… I didn’t like him.

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