You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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Seo Changbin

I had been sick for a few weeks now. Every morning, I would wake up and need to go be sick. I didn't know when my last period was either. This was starting to worry me. I had idea what it was. I knew that these were signs of being pregnant though. The last time we did it I don't remember us using a condom. We were trying to have a baby so it wasn't entirely impossible that I wasn't pregnant. I was excited about the possibility of being pregnant.

He was already gone by the time I had gotten up this morning. After throwing up, you know, the normal stuff. I got dressed and left the house to go to the nearest convenience store to buy a test.

I bought two boxes, just so I could make sure that I was definitely pregnant. I was nervous about the whole thing, but I knew that my husband would be happy. He was always talking about how much he wanted children. I knew he would be the best father to our babies. He was pretty much a big baby himself.

When I got home, the first thing I did was take the pregnancy tests. I took all of the ones in one box, leaving the second box in case I needed them again. I threw away the first box to try and hide the evidence from Changbin in case the tests were all negative and I wasn't pregnant.

I waited the allotted time that the box told me and looked at all three of them. The first test had two lines, so did the second and the third. I teared up with happy tears, putting a hand on my belly. I was pregnant. I was going to be a mother, Changbin was going to be a dad. We were going to be parents.

Ever since we got married, a year ago, we had been talking about having children. Now we could finally start our own family together. I wanted to tell Changbin in a special way. I couldn't wait to see his reaction. I knew that he was going to be the best father and love his child. I loved him more than anything.

Changbin was the best husband. He was always there for me. I knew that I could rely on him for anything. He would always drop everything for me and as much as I would complain, he wouldn't listen. It was safe to say that I was whipped for Seo Changbin.

Changbin was going to be home later in the evening so it gave me time to prepare the surprise. I wanted to do it in the cutest way possible. I wanted it to make it memorable and show him something that the baby could use when it was born.

I went to the baby shop to get some clothes that had something like "world's best daddy" written on it. I was also going to make a card and then wrap it up along with one of the pregnancy tests so I could give it to him during dinner.

For dinner, I was going to make all of his favourite dishes. I was excited, but also very nervous. I knew I had absolutely nothing to worry about, but it was still there. I knew he wasn't going to leave me, but I still worried.

three hours later
I made the finishing touches to the box and set all the food on the table, there was a lot of food. The sound of the door unlocking and opening caused me to look up. That meant one thing. My husband was home. I set the final thing on the table I smiled and went to greet Changbin. He was taking off his coat. I waited before greeting him.

"Hey, my lovely y/n-ie~" He pulled me into his arms.
"Hey, Binne. How was your day." I hugged my husband.

"Tiring, but I'm happy that I'm finally home with you, my lovely, beautiful wife." He went to kiss me.

I smiled putting my arms around his neck, kissing him back. He wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing my body closer to him, pretty much hugging me. I was the one to break the kiss. I took his hand and walked into the kitchen with him. He looked at and then back to the table. A smile broke out on the man's face. He brought me into another kiss before going to the table. I laughed slightly. Changbin was a very easy guy to please.

I was going to give him the box after we had finished eating. It would give me time to think about what I was going to stay and calm my nerves about telling him this news. We started to eat, talking about our days. It was quite hard not telling him about the baby. I told Changbin everything. He always listened. I couldn't ruin the surprise yet though, despite how much I wanted to. I had to stand my ground until we had finished eating. I wanted this to go well.

We soon finished eating. I bent down and picked up the box with everything hinting to the baby in.

"Binne, I have something for you..." I nervously bit my lip, putting the box in front of him.

"Is it our anniversary? Shit, did I forget?" He looked at me worried and confused, even though he would never forget our anniversary.

"No, Changbin... please, just open it." I looked into my husband's eyes.

Changbin nodded and opened the box. The footsie pyjamas with "world's best daddy" written on them were at the top. He looked at it confused, looking more into the box. He pulled out the card I had written. I looked at him, hopeful, as he read it. He glanced before looking more into the box. It was concerning to me how he hadn't figured it out yet. He took out the pregnancy test.

Something must have finally clicked as his eyes widened as he held the test in his hands. I saw tears in the corners of his eyes. I reached out to hold his hand.

"y/n... are you... are we?" He looked into my eyes.

"Yes, Binne. I'm pregnant." I smiled, putting his hand on my belly.

He got up and pulled me into his arms. He kissed all over my face whispering "I love you" between every kiss. I giggled, holding my husband. His last kiss was on my lips. It was full of love and passion. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me.

Changbin went between us and put a hand on my belly as we softly kissed. I teared up slightly, this was one of the happiest moments of my life, one of them also being the day I married Changbin. He broke the kiss and put his forehead against mine.

"y/n... I can't believe it. We're going to have a baby! We're going to be parents. I'm so happy. I love you so much, y/n and our child. Oh my gosh, I'm so happy." Changbin smiled wide, hugging me close, but not too tight.

I laid my head on his chest, closing my eyes. I couldn't hide the smile on my face. We were going to be parents, a family... This was everything I could have ever wanted.

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