Long Distance Relationship

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Lee Felix

I watched all the couples together holding hands, huddling under huts drinking hot chocolate from the market stands and I was jealous of all of them. All the couples looked cute as they all wore matching outfits with each other, walking through town. It was sickening. I felt like they were all silently mocking me because I couldn't be with the one I loved. I couldn’t be with my boyfriend.

Being in a long distance relationship was not fun and not easy. I miss him so much. We only saw each other during the summer when he wasn’t working and then during public holidays. I was in Scotland for University while he was living his dream of being an idol and making his fanbase, STAY happy.

We called everyday, at least we tried to, but it was hard. There was a nine hour time difference between Korea and Scotland so it was difficult timing our calls. I only had this year left and then I could go back home and be with him. We had a plan for when I finished University. When I got back, we would move in together and start living our lives together, seeing where the future took us.

I stared out my window, watching the rainfall over Edinburgh. My apartment was small but it was enough for me and my roommate. Luckily, she wasn’t home at the moment. She didn’t have to see my lovesick self, even though she saw it quite a lot. I took a picture of the rain and sent it to Felix with a message saying ‘wish you were here to enjoy this beautiful weather :D’

Felix and I had been officially together for at least a year now. We were friends during highschool and stayed friends until he asked me out when I visited last Christmas. We both had mad crushes on each other. That was the reason we became friends, but we were both too dumb to tell each other and get into a relationship. We were both from Australia too. Felix said that he didn’t mind the long distance relationship, but I knew it was hard for him. He was a clingy person. It was just as hard for me too. I wanted to hug him and do couple things with him.

I put down my phone, looking back at the rain. I sighed deeply. I hated the feeling of being alone. I knew I wasn’t, but it felt like it. I wished that I could have him here with me. I ran my fingers through my hair and went to the kitchen to make myself some tea. It was the only way to stop myself from thinking too much about him

I sat down on the sofa and picked up my textbook to start studying for an exam that I had after our two week break. I was about to open it when Felix started to facetime me. I smiled and answered my boyfriend’s call, forgetting about studying, wanting to speak with my boyfriend.

“Hi Sunshine.” I smiled at him.

He beamed down at the phone. His eyes looked tired. I tried not to pout. He must have been working so hard for the upcoming comeback I knew the boys were working on. I admire his hard work and want to make his fans happy.

“Hi, Moon. I wanted to say hi. I miss you.” He whispered.

“Awe, Lixie. I miss you too, but it’s not long until I come home again. We’re spending my next holiday together. We’ll be together then. We can bake cookies and just be together.” I smiled at the thought of it.

I just wanted to spend time with him. Even when I was home, we didn’t spend so much time together because I knew he had to work.

“Have you ever wanted to spend your holiday in Edinburgh?” He whispered.

“But then I wouldn’t be able to see you and my parents, Felix.” I laughed slightly.

“y/n~ open your door.” He blurted out, hanging up the call after doing so.

Confused, I put down my phone and went to the front door of my apartment. I looked through the peephole and gasped. Felix was standing there. I opened the door as quickly as I could. He had his suitcase next to him. I gasped and flung my arms around him tightly, tearing up. He was here. Felix was really here standing in front of me. I heard him chuckle and hug me back.

I couldn’t believe it. I glanced up at my boyfriend, still in disbelief. I felt like I was dreaming. I broke out of the hug letting him come into the apartment. Once he was inside, he practically dropped his suitcase and brought me in for a kiss. It was a passionate kiss, full of love and yearn. We started to make out. He lifted my legs around my waist, carrying me over to my bedroom.

Felix collapsed next to me. We were both out of breath. It had been a while since we did that. He pulled into his arms. I laid my head on Felix’s chest, just enjoying any time I spent with him.

“I missed you so much, Moon. I asked if I could be here with you until after your break. The company allowed it, so I’m here for the next two weeks.” He kissed my forehead.

“I missed you too. When did you get here? Why didn’t you tell me anything? I could have picked you up from the airport. You must have gotten so lost, Sunshine.” I leaned up slightly.

“I wanted to surprise you, baby. I missed you too much. I needed my y/n~ie. Cuddling the maknae isn’t as fun as cuddling you.” He tucked my hair behind my ear, chuckling slightly.

“You definitely did surprise me, Lixie. You should leave poor Jeongin alone, he’s just trying to live his life.” I laughed slightly, snuggling my face in the crook of his neck, sighing happily.

He ran his fingers up and down my back. These next two weeks with him were going to be amazing.

~1 week later~
I woke up to the smell of baked goods wafting throughout the apartment. I felt around for Felix, but he wasn’t there. I grabbed his shirt off the floor, putting it on. I got out of bed, almost falling after the night before, let’s just say I was a little sore. I slipped some underwear before going to the mirror to make sure my hair looked ok.

I left the bedroom. Felix was in the living room only wearing pyjama bottoms. My roommate had gone home to her family so we were alone. She knew all about Felix coming from Korea. In fact, she was the one who planned it. I was going to get her something to say ‘thank you’ when Felix and I went into town later. Felix was setting the table when he saw me. We both exchanged smiles, going in for a kiss before actually saying to each other.

“Good morning, my Moon. I hope you slept well and I hope that I wasn’t too rough on you last night.” He smiled, rubbing his nose against mine, whispering the last part.

“Morning, Sunshine. I slept well because I had you with me and don’t worry you were amazing last night.” I closed my eyes, also whispering the last part.

Having Felix here with me made everything so much better. After eating breakfast, we got dressed in our matching couple outfits, of course, taking many selfies. We bought the outfits a couple of days ago. Many people thought it was weird, but I didn’t care. We were now cuddling on the sofa.

A while ago we were talking about artists we wanted to go see. Felix kept talking about this one Australian band he wanted to see. When I found out that they were going to be going on tour, I made sure to get us tickets. When I gave it to him, when I say his face lit up, it really lit up. He was so happy that I had got him tickets. I was going to wait until I was in Korea to give them to him, but I just couldn’t wait. They were going on tour in the summer so it was perfect.

This is when I found out that he had got something for me. He pulled out a box and gave it to me. When I opened it, I gasped. It was a necklace with our initials engraved on the heart charm.

We spent the rest of our day eating baked goods and watching films. There were kisses shared here and there. It was a good day.

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