Your Husband

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Bang Chan

It was late, I couldn’t sleep. I was waiting for him to come home. He had been working at the studio all day. I had promised him that I would stay up until he got home, but taking care of our two-month-old daughter, Nabi, was tiring. She cried for most of the day. If anyone walked past our house, they would think we were killing the poor child. There were times when she did stop crying, but that was a rare occurrence.

Being a parent was not easy. Especially being a parent to a newborn. Chan always tried to help out whenever he could. If he was home early and didn’t need to be at the company early the next day, which was rare, he would get up whenever our daughter cried at night, letting me sleep. I knew he never got any during those nights. Even though he reassured me that it was ok with him, it made me feel awful as both his wife and our daughter’s mother.

I lay on the sofa in our small living room. The clock in the corner of the was ticking, being the only noise in the whole house. I had the baby monitor in front of me, waiting for any sound from the sleeping baby upstairs.

The sound of the lock on the front door woke me up from my daze. Chan walked through the door. I watched as he shook off his coat and shoes before coming into the living room. He had a confused face. Normally, I would have something on the TV, almost falling asleep to it. He saw me on the sofa and pouted.

“Baby… I know it’s really late. I’m sorry. I was just so busy at the studio. This comeback is no joke.” He came to me and crouched down next to the sofa to run his fingers through my hair.

“I understand. You’re an idol, love. You have to focus on your career. I knew what I was getting into when we got married. I don’t want to be what distracts you.” I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me.

“I do this for you and Nabi. You guys are my inspiration. I love you guys so much,” He kissed my cheek. “Let’s head to bed, ok? Channie missed his cuddles from his y/n-ie.”

I didn’t have time to reply before he lifted me off the sofa. I gasped as he carried me off into our bedroom, making sure not to make any sound so we didn’t wake our daughter. I clutched onto him like a koala causing him to laugh slightly.

I was already in my pyjamas and had done my night routine for bed. Chan laid me down on our shared bed and grabbed a pair of pyjama pants out of his bottom drawer. He kissed my cheek before escaping to the bathroom to change and do his own nighttime routine.

I pulled the duvet cover over me, ready to sleep. Yet, just as I had gotten comfortable like she knew that I was just about to fall asleep, Nabi started to cry. I sighed softly. She was probably hungry. I got out of bed, going over to her crib. I took the baby in my arms and lifted my shirt so she could feed. It was sore, but she relied on me. I hummed one of Chan’s songs.

I didn’t realise that Chan had come out of the bathroom and was behind me. I felt his arms around my bare waist. I tried not to jump otherwise I would disturb our daughter from feeding. He pressed a kiss to my temple, humming along to the song with me. I leaned my head back against his shoulder, closing my eyes.

Once our daughter had finished feeding, was winded and had gone back to sleep. I kissed her forehead, I lifted her so Chan could too. I laid the baby in her crib and went back to bed.

Chan got in bed not long after. He pulled me into his arms. I, again, gasped. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head against his chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

We had been married for almost a year and a half. We had always talked about having children but wasn’t planning on having a child until we were at least married for two years. We wanted to be stable financially before we brought a child into this world. Me getting pregnant with Nabi was a complete accident, but it was the best decision we ever made. I couldn’t imagine things any other way.

Chan was the best father. Even if he couldn’t be with us all day, I knew that he was still there for us. It wasn’t easy. I was out of work on maternity leave because of having Nabi so I wasn’t bringing in much, I wouldn’t have wanted to have a kid with any other guy but Chan, though. All throughout the pregnancy, he was always checking up on how I was and asking questions about the baby. Every day he would come home asking if I had felt any movements and was excited to always feel them and talk to my pregnancy bump. He was adorable and I knew he loved Nabi from the moment he saw her.

I couldn’t have asked for a better husband and father of my child.

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