Closeted Involuntary Purrito ☁️

726 17 71

Requested by: Me :D
Pre-Drakeup, no specific episode.
Alternate Titles: Thunder Cuddles, Pillow Fight.

I was at Drew's house, watching a movie, when we heard a boom from outside. I instinctively clung onto Drew, and he looked over at me.

"What, are you scared?" He asked me in a teasing voice.

"N-no! I just..." I try and fail to respond to his comment. I feel his arms wrap around me, and before I know it, my head is in his lap. I close my eyes, feeling his warm hands playing with my hair, and the shared blanket covering my cold body.

Thunder booms again, and I can't help but shudder. He pulls me closer, caressing my head against his thighs and keeping me warm and secure. Next time the thunder rolls, I can barely hear it over his whispers of comfort and the blanket that is wrapped around my head and ears.

I feel like a burrito, and I love it.

Drew is so sweet to me... I feel my heart warm, and Drew kisses me on the head gently. I can't help but flush; his actions are so heartfelt.

"You're so beautiful..." Drew whispers quietly, almost so quietly I can't hear him. "You deserve the world..."

"You are my world, Drew..." I respond quietly. I feel a wave of embarrassment when he doesn't reply, but then I feel his fingers on my chin, and his lips meet mine. And everything felt right.


I woke up next to Drew in his bed. The birds were chirping quietly, and a little light was seeping through the window in his room. I try to roll over, and I feel Drew lock me into place. I grunt quietly, feeling sotra trapped in his embrace. I shake him gently, and whisper,

"Wake up Drewy, it's morning." No response.

"Drew? Baby~?" A small, frustrated noise from the magenta haired boy beside me.

"Princess Sparkle-" I get whacked with a pillow.

"Dude, shut uuuupppp!" Drew whines, and I take the pillow from him, laughing.

"Aww, but you'd make a good Princess! I'd even buy you a tutu-" Smack. I grab another pillow and launch it at him.

"Oh, it's on!" Drew says, and he grabs the blanket and gags me. I wriggle around before throwing the pillow I have in my hand in some random direction. I hear it hit Drew.

"Dude, the heck!" His grip on the blanket loosens, and I wrap him into a Burrito.

"Hey! L-let me go, loser!" Drew shouts while struggling against me. Involuntary Burrito.

"Not my fault you're so short and smol~!" I tease him. "You're like a kitten~!"

"Meow~" He says this in a joking seductive moany voice, before struggling against the burrito. Purrito. Involuntary Purrito. We both burst out laughing.

"Aww, aren't you a cute kitty!"

"Shut up!" Closeted Involuntary Purrito? Yes.

I kiss him on the forehead, before releasing him from his captivity. His face is bright red, which makes me want to kiss him more. But I hold back, a just give him a peck on the cheek before getting up and walking towards the door.

"H-hey, where are you going?" Drew stutters.

"Food." I shut the door behind me, and hear Drew's quick footsteps following me.

I make a burrito for breakfast. It was delicious... Just like another burrito I've tasted...

But that's a story for another time~

Hey guys, I hope you liked this oneshot! I was gonna make it a bit longer, but I really wanted to write smut today, soooo...

Please comment, request, anything you'd like, and have an amazing day/night!

Also, leave a comment here if you like burritos! --------->

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