Sick Fluffles~~ 🩷

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Drew POV:

Ugh. Everything hurts. Cough. Ughhh! I wanna call Jake.

"Please pick up please pick up- cough h-hey Jake!"

"Hey babe, what's up? You don't sound so good." Jake's voice sound really crappy because of the poor service. It's sort of pouring rain outside.

I turn away and cough aggressively before facing my phone again and asking timidly, "C-can you come over? I- cough I really w-want you here." I cringe at how weak I sound.

There's a pause, before Jake says softly, "Of course, Baby... I'm gonna tell Mom and Milo that I'll be home tomorrow. I'll be right back, okay?" He forgets to mute himself on the call.

I hear Jake bang open his door and scream, "MOOOOOM! I'M GOING TO DREEEEWWWWS! BYYYEEE!"

Distant shouting.

"OKAAAYYY! LOVE YOU TOOOO!" Jake walks back over to the phone. "I'm coming over right now, do you want me to bring you anything?"

"N-no... cough I-im okay." My voice cracks and my throat burns.

"Okay love, I'll be over there in a few minutes." Jake sounds sympathetic and really soothing. As he speaks, I close my eyes, listening to his voice, before he hangs up, leaving me to my painful coughing.


Jake finally gets to my house. He uses his key and soon, he is in my room. He slowly opens my door, a concerned and soft expression on his face.

"Hey love~" Jake says this slowly and passionately, and he walks over to my bed.

"H-hi Ja-ake..." My voice cracks again and I flush angrily. "I ha-ate being sick."

Jake sits down next to me and plants a small kiss on my forehead.

"Do you need me to get anything for you, lovely?" Jake asks, clearly concerned for my wellbeing.

"I w-want snacks..." I look up at him and continue, "But I don't want you to leave. So I guess I'm not that hungry."

"Here, do you want me to call one of your maids? Maybe Caroline? I'm sure she won't mind..." He says sweetly.

"I-i don't want to bother her anymore... She's cleaned up my vomit twice today, I feel really bad."

"Baby... It's okay. I can ask her for you. B-but, you didn't say you were vomiting? Are you sure you're okay love?"

"Yeah, it's n-not a big deal..." I try to make him stop worrying.

"Du bist zu süß für dein eigenes Wohl, meine Liebe..." Jake only speaks in German when he's worked up about something. I take his hand into mine.

"I w-want cuddles, please don't be ma-ad at me..." Jake's eyes widen as I say that, and his posture softens considerably.

Jake lays down next to me and wraps his arms around me. I put the blanket over him and sigh, content. He kisses me all over my forehead and head and rubs my back slowly. I close my eyes, feeling his body press comfortingly against mine.

As he continues to rub my back, I relax, and he keeps kissing me all over. Just having him with me makes me feel better.

He stops kissing for a second and flirtily and softly whispered in French, "Tu es l'amour de ma vie, bébé. Je ne te lâcherai jamais."

"Je t'aime aussi, des cheveux de pêche duveteux..." I respond sweetly, also in fluent French.

I relax more and I start to drift off to sleep.

The last thing I feel is Jake's cat laying down next to me, purring.

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