STOP EATING SUNSCREEN! ☔ Drew x Jake x Hailey.

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Requested by: Charlizz Rizz
Prompt: Amazeballs XD Rawr :3, eating sunscreen
Technically not Drake but close enough teehee.

Jake POV:

Ohhh... This tastes soooo good...

For once it's not a cock.

No but why does this sunscreen taste so good? It's smooth, creamy, slips right off my tongue. Tastes like my moms' wine that I definitely shouldn't have stolen because me and Hailey got drunk as fuck but that's a story for another time.

"Jake! We're waiting for you, what's taking so long honey?" Hailey shouts to me from Drew's theatre movie room thing.

"Babe! C'mon, what are you doing in the kitchen?" Drew calls, also from the theatre movie room thing. I hear Hailey's footsteps.

"Jake- JAKE! STOP EATING SUNSCREEN!" Hailey screams at me as I squeeze the last little bit out of the bottle.

"JAKE! THAT IS SO NOT AMAZEBALLS! SO NOT XD RAWR UWU :3!" Drew shouts at me. He runs over and grabs the tube from me.

Hailey POV:

Ugh! He keeps eating the stupid sunscreen! It's like he's addicted to it!

"Jake..." I try to approach him more calmly than Drew. Drew threw away his empty tube, and Jake is starting to cry. I take his hand and pull him into a gentle hug (awww these two).

"Jake, are you addicted to this shit? You're gonna die!" Drew sounds really stern and Jake cries harder, sobbing into my hug.

"I'm s-sorry b-babe..." Jake says through tears.

"No, you're not, or you would've stopped the FIRST TIME!" Drew raises his voice. He's really angry.

"Guys... calm down!" I try to get the boys to chill out, but Drew isn't listening, and Jake is crying so hard that he's struggling to breathe.

"You are NEVER even LOOKING at a bottle of sunscreen EVER AGAIN, you hear me?!!" Drew yells at Jake.

"P-please... I w-wasn't t-trying to make y-you m-mad..." Jake stumbles over his words.


"DREW! YOU DID NOT JUST HIT JAKE!" I scream in the general direction that Drew scurries off to.

Drew POV:


Oh my god. Omigod. I think I'm dying. I just fucking hit Jake while he was crying and I feel terrible and I don't know what to do and I can't breathe and I want to fucking die I hit him I hit him I hit him PLEASE GOD I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO PLEASE PLEASE I CAN'T BREATHE PLEASE. I'm about to pass out I'm actually passing out is this it? I can't do this this can't be happening please please please I don't deserve forgiveness PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE. I'm so sorry...

Jake POV:

"DREW! YOU DID NOT JUST HIT JAKE!" Hailey screams at Drew as he runs off.

He hit me?

My face burns.


I put to my hand to my cheek.


My hands aren't even that cold, but it feels good on the stinging surface of my skin.


"Ah! S-sorry Hailey."

"Are you okay? It looks like he hit you hard... There's a slap mark on your cheek." Hailey cups my face with her hand and rubs circles on the burning areas. With her other hand she turns on the sink, and after a second, she puts water on my face.

"A-ah! It stings, Hailey!"

"I know, that means it's healing." She says this in a soothing voice, which instantly calms me down.

We stand in the kitchen for a few minutes before we both find ourselves wondering where Drew is.

"Um, Jake...?"


"Do you wanna go look for Drew...? I mean, I know you're probably not comfortable with him, I mean, he hit you, and-"

"I'm really worried about him. What if he had a panic attack? We should definitely look for him."

"Are you sure? H-he hit you, aren't you upset?"

"H-he... I'm sure he was just trying to keep me safe." I touch a finger to where he slapped my face. "I'm worried. Let's look for him."

We start walking through the hallways of Drew's house. The first place we check is his bedroom, and lo and behold, there he is, lying motionless on the floor.

"Let me go in, I'll call for you if I need you," I whisper to Hailey. She nods and I walk in.

"Drew?" He doesn't respond so I sit down next to him. I touch his face gently. Some of the tears are still damp, but some are dry and stain his face. I wipe away as many as I can with my fingers, stroking his hair with my free hand.

"Drew..." I whisper to myself, feeling his soft hair between my fingers, his slow breathing on my face and neck. I hear Hailey slowly walk up behind me.

"Jake... Maybe we should just leave him alone...?" Hailey whispers softly to me, sitting down to my left and hugging me from the side. I keep stroking Drew's hair and face with one hand and wrap my other arm around her. I kiss her gently on the lips, and she leans her head on my shoulder.

Hailey starts kissing my neck gently, and I lean into her touch, savoring it. Her right hand lands on my hip and her left caresses my thigh. I sigh, content.

I feel movement underneath me.

I look down to see Drew opening his eyes slowly. He grabs my arm gently and I lean closer to him. He looks really sad, and I see new tears forming in his eyes.

One drips down his face, followed by another. I silently wipe them away.

Hailey takes her hand off my thigh and holds Drew's hand. I carefully place Drew onto my lap, his head on my thighs where Hailey's hand just was.

Drew opens his mouth slightly to say something, but no sound comes out.

"Take your time, sweetie..." I whisper softly to him. Hailey lifts his hand and kisses the back of it tenderly.

"I-i..." Drew's voice cracks as he starts speaking. "I'm s-so s-sorry..." He starts crying, rather than just a few stray tears. Hailey and I both move closer to him. I sit him up slowly, so his head lays on my chest. Hailey kisses his forehead silently.

"It's okay, sweetheart..." I try to comfort him, but it only makes him cry harder. Hailey grabs a box of tissues and helps me wipe away his tears.

"N-no... I h-hit you..."

"I know you were just trying to keep me safe, lovely."

"Drew, it's okay, you're okay..." Hailey whispers to him, almost background noise as I talk to him.

"I'll stay with you as long as you want me to, love." I hug Drew a little tighter, not too tight though.

"Th-thank you Jake... and Hailey... I love you both s-so much." Drew says very sincerely. I smile and I see Hailey blush slightly.

"I love you too, Drew..." Hailey whispers in response.

"I love you more than words, Drew..." I whisper tenderly.

Thanks for reading this chapter! Technically not Drake, but I wanted the views, sooo...
Let me know if you want a part 2! I also posted this on my regular tmf oneshots book (not exclusively Drake) cuz idk if this is Drake or not XD.
Have a good day/night!

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