Milo + Blender = Trouble ❤️

509 11 45

Requested by: Pickle
Prompt: Banana, Carpet, Family, Actor
Alternate Titles: The Tragic Tale of the Banana Smoothie
I hope you enjoy!


I was at Jake's house one random day after school, and we were cuddling on the couch. Milo was rambling about how he was cast as a waitress in his school play. Neither me nor Jake were paying any attention to his talking, until he randomly disappeared. Jake got up to see what he was doing, but the door to the kitchen was locked.

"What the heck! Why is the door locked, Milo?" Jake exclaimed, clearly annoyed at his brother's antics.

Jake gives up after he hears the blender turn on. "God, what is he up to in there?" Jake plonks down next to me and buries his head under the blanket and rests his head on my chest.

"Awww, you don't like the loud blender, do you Jakey~?" I try to console him, and wrap my arms around him.

"I hate having a little sibling. It's like being a babysitter, but I don't get paid." Jake sounds upset.

Before I can reply, Milo swings open the door with a pitcher full of what smells like a banana smoothie. He comes waltzing out of the kitchen, his gate proud. He has the pitcher in his hand like a waitress holding a plate of food. Suddenly, he trips over nothing and takes a head dive to the floor.

"MILO! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!" Jake screams at Milo as the pitcher falls to the floor. Milo stands up and creepily smiles at Drew.

"I will find you~~..." Milo says in a creepy voice, before zoomin' upstairs to take a shower because he is covered in banana smoothie. Jake is fuming.

"GRRRR, I HATE YOU MILO!!" Jake growls at Milo as he runs upstairs with his little booty shakin'.

"Baby... Please calm down... He didn't mean to." I try to calm Jake down, but he looks really angy. There is a tiny bit of smooooothie on my sockz, and Jake grabs a napkin and wipessz it offrr mr. I moans as jake touches my toez and get hard and starts cummnig everywhewre he slurps my cummie and suckz my toesz harfd


"Baby... Please calm down... He didn't mean to." I try to calm Jake down, but he looks really angy. There is a tiny bit of smoothie on my sock, and Jake grabs a napkin and wipes it off. I take off my socks and survey the mess that Milo made while Jake goes to get more napkins.

"Damnit! This is the new carpet!" Jake sounds really angry and stomps up the stairs to rage on Milo. He kinda just throws the napkins at me in a fury, so I went to the kitchen and grabbed some bleach. I proceeded to clean up the mess with the bleach and napkins. The carpet was white, so the bleach made it look as good as new.

Jake comes back down the stairs and sees me cleaning. He looks guilty as he walks over to me.

"Sorry for throwing the napkins at you, baby. I just got mad."

"It is alright, my dear, for I possess a talent for tidying, honed after my maid departed due to my revelries and the unfortunate redecoration of the white carpet. Each incident painted a scene greener than Henry's lettuce, leading her to tire of its constant bleaching."

"Wh- What?"


After that exchange, Jake came over to me and sat down on the floor. He took the cleaning stuff from me and kissed me on the head. I kinda just looked at him as he finished cleaning. I got up to get some paper towels to cover the carpet with until the bleach dries, and Jake came over to me and took them from my hands, and whispered in my ear,

"You should never have to clean again baby. I love you so much." Jake finishes cleaning, and Milo comes downstairs with a note in his hand.

What could possibly go wrong?

Jake upens eht enveloep to see glitterz and cum inside and it dripsz out and slippz and slpills spill spill miloz dripping ciock


Jake opens the envelope to see a card with a poem inside. It is an apology poem which basically says that Milo is sorry for spilling banana smoothie on the new carpet.

Jake reads the poem with a mixture of amusement and forgiveness in his heart. He appreciates Milo's effort to make amends and knows that accidents happen. With a smile, Jake decides to let go of any lingering frustration and focus on the love he shares with Milo instead. After all, a stained carpet can be cleaned, but a true brother is irreplaceable. Jake hugs Milo and reassures him that everything is alright, and he grateful for a sibling who isn't afraid to admit mistakes and make things right.

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