Text your Crush! ❤️

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Requested by: me teehee
Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXOZBWNynVQ&list=PLtlwQa5kBA0T-5ZzVHxiPHn6LubY1yO-8&index=7


"Jake! Truth or Dare~?" Henry excitedly points at Jake and asks.

Jake sighs. "Truth, I guess."

"Hmmm... Have you ever stolen something from someone in this group?"

Jake looks at the Jomies nervously.

"U-uh, yeah, I stole one of Liam's hoodies once, heh heh..."

"Aaaand? I can tell you're hiding something~" Henry seems to be really trying to make someone mad at Jake.

Before Jake responds to Henry, Liam asks, "Was it my gray and tan one? Or the My Chemical Romance one?"

"Uh, the gray and tan one."

"Didn't you find the MCR one in the back of your closet last week?" Drew asks pointedly.

"Ohhh, that's right, yeah I did."

"PEEPS! BACK ON TOPIC!" Henry screeches.

"Jesus, what?" Drew asks, vexed.

"What are you hiding, Jake? I know you stole something else!"

"Erm... Yeah, I... Please don't kill me, Drew." Jake looks at Drew with puppy dog eyes. Drew rolls his eyes.

"Depends on what you stole." He crosses his arms and smirks slightly.

"Uh, it was, um, one of your, uh, really expensive fountain pens, haha... haha..."

Drew glares daggers at Jake.

"Dude, those were $150 each! Please tell me you didn't break it."

"N-no, of course not, but I kinda, um..."

"What?" Drew really just wants a solid answer.

"I used it a lot, and the ink's gone, and I, uh, replaced it..."

"The ink or the pen itself?"

"The ink." Jake really doesn't want to answer more questions.

"With what?"

"Ermm... Uh..."

"What, did you cum in it or something??" Henry asks teasingly.

"H-hey! I already answered my truth! Now it's my turn! Liam, truth or dare?" Jake avoids the question. Drew tries to speak, but Liam gets there first.


"Hmm... I dare you to... Let us see your browsing history!" Drew and Henry burst out laughing.

"What? Absolutely not!" Liam sounds worried.

"C'mon Liam-Wiam, hand Jake the phone!" Drew says in a baby voice.

"Ughh, fine! But I'm gonna get you both back for this!"

"Both of us? What did I do?!" Drew whines jokingly. Henry finally stops laughing.

Jake turns on Liam's phone and goes into the browsing history.

"Tumblr... Wattpad... Google Translate..." Jake starts listing off the websites. Liam looks like he is dreading something.

All four boys look at the phone screen, and Liam has a look of horror on his face as Jake keeps scrolling.


Time Skip XD

"Um, here's your phone back, Liam." Jake says awkwardly.

"Thanks. Oohh! It's my turn!" Liam brings the mood back to cheerful and goofy rather than the former awkward and cringey.

"Uh oh." Drew knows what's coming.


"Damn it."

"Truth or dare?"

"Tr- Fuck it. Dare." Jake and Henry start clapping.

"Sh-shut up!"

"Okay Drew, your dare is to... Text your crush!" Liam and Jake go "oooooooh".

"There's no way in hell I'm doing that." Drew tries to back out.

"Believe me when I say that the truth option is 10 times worse." Liam smirks while Henry starts cackling. Jake sits there, waiting to see what will happen.

"Fine... what am I supposed to say?" Drew gives in.

"Hmm... If it's a girl, 'hey baby', and if it's a dude, 'hey daddy'!"

All of them but Drew burst out laughing, while Drew looks pissed and slightly embarrassed.

"Ugh, fine, hang on." Drew gets out his phone and opens his messages. Liam leans over Drew's shoulder to see.

"Hey! You don't get to see!" Drew gets up and moves away from Liam.

Drew sends the text and puts away his phone.

Ding! Jakes' phone goes off.

"I'll check it in a minute. How'd it go, Drewy~?" Jake teases Drew innocently.

"Fine. Better than you making me watch porn or some kinky shit like that." Drew doesn't look Jake in the eyes. The rest of them start laughing again.

After a few minutes, they get bored of playing truth or dare. Liam and Henry play Mario Kart, and Jake and Drew scroll.

"Hey, did I ever check my phone earlier?" Jake asks nobody in particular.

"U-uhm, I don't think so? M-maybe you should check..."

"Hey, Drew, you good? You sound nervous."

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"Hmm. Okay." Jake turns on his phone and checks his messages. He grins when he sees that Drew texted him. He was about to say something along the lines of, "What are you texting me, Drewy-Bear~?", but when he opened it he saw what it said.

The message from Drew said, "hey daddy". Jake blushes furiously at the fact that Drew likes him back.

They made out later.

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