You make me warmer than she ever could ☔

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Requested by: me :D

Jake POV:

I hit send on another message to Hailey. "God, it's as if she doesn't love me anymore! I'm honestly sick of it!" I don't realize that I'm talking out loud.

"Jake? Are you alright...?" Drew asks.

"I hate how she never responds. I feel like the spark I felt when we sang together onstage is gone now... Our relationship will never be the same again." I start ranting. As I keep talking, Drew scoots closer and puts his arm around me, hugging me comfortingly.

"She never responds to my texts or calls; she's been ignoring me at rehearsals, and she honestly acts like she hates me whenever I'm around. It makes me feel sick knowing that she might actually hate me. I've loved her for a while now and I thought she loved me too... but she doesn't even want to hold my hand anymore. She won't let me hold her or kiss her or hug her or ANYTHING anymore!" I pause to take a breath, feeling tears cloud my eyes.

"I..." Drew starts to say something, but he trails off, and I cut him off.

"I wanna b-break up with her." I start to cry as I say this, my voice cracking and tears streaming down my face. Drew's face falls when he sees me crying, and he pulls me closer. I can't see anything anymore, it's all blurry, my life is falling apart. She hates me.

"Sh-she fucking h-hates me!" I shout at nothing in particular. Drew leans his head on my shoulder and starts rubbing my back with one hand.


"No. Th-there's n-nothing you can s-say that will make this b-better..."

"Jake p-please-"

"Just stop! Y-you're not helping!"

"I LOVE YOU! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" Drew shouts at me. He stops holding me and turns away, scooting towards the end of the bed and sobbing into his hands.

"Wh-why the hell d-did I s-say that...?" Drew mumbles to himself through muffled sobs. My tears slow as it sinks in what he just said.

"D-drew..." I move over to him and hug him from behind, resting my chin on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I-i... I didn't think. I d-didn't mean to s-say that..." Drew tries to cover up what he said.

"Drew, h-have you ever wondered why I haven't been telling you who I like lately? I m-mean, I know I'm dating Hailey, b-but you've noticed that we've been falling apart, haven't you?"

"Yeah, I've n-noticed, b-but it's not like you l-like me or anything... right?

"Drew, I'm... I'm really into you. Hailey is great and all, and it was amazing while it lasted, but... you make me warmer than she ever could."

"J-jake... Y-you don't mean that, you're j-just trying to make f-fun of me..."

"N-no, Drew, I'm really in love with you. Hailey is really cool and all, but I sorta... Only got with her to distract myself from you. I d-didn't even know you're gay."

"I... I'm not gay, necessarily, but I don't know what I am. I might be gay, I don't know.. all I know is that I'm c-crazy for you."

"Drew, I'm crazy for you too. I really am." I scoot a little bit closer so our torsos are touching at every angle and my fingers can link around him. I feel him lean back onto me, and he turns around slightly so he's facing me. His eyes are red from crying and his tears are drying and staining his face. I take one of my hands and wipe away as many marks as possible.

"J-jake..." He looks up at me with the cutest doe eyes I've ever seen. I glance down at his newly wetted lips and lean in a little.

"I love you, Drew..." I whisper, just loud enough for him to hear. I feel him lean closer.

He looks at me, his eyes closing slowly as he wraps his arms gently around me, and says, barely in a whisper, almost a breath, "I love you too."

I close the gap between our lips and I feel warmth on mine. The slow, tender movement of his lips against mine, circling, swirling, it makes my head spin more than Hailey ever did. Drew tips his head forward, deepening the kiss just enough for me to taste his cherry chapstick. It's the top quality stuff you'd expect from Drew, and it feels nice as it transfers onto my slightly chapped lips.

I press harder onto him with my lips, feeling his mouth start to open. I decide tongue is a little too far for our first kiss together, so I savour his taste without crossing any boundaries.

He presses onto my chest with his hand, hard enough for me to know it's time to pull away. I suck gently on his lips to get a last taste of him before slowly pulling away from him. I take a much needed breath.

Drew inhales deeply and breathes shakily for a few seconds, before saying in a whisper, "Th-that was... D-damn."

"I l-love you so much Drew." I'm still catching my breath.

"I l-love you too."

Thank you for reading! Let me know if you want a part 2. Have a good day/night!

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