Faster than you can say 'Lolita Baby' ❤️

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Requested by nobody XD
Before Drakeup
Alternate title: Corn Maze
Sorry I haven't posted in forever lol

Jake POV:

"Drew! Drewwww! There's a corn maze!" I shout happily.

"Jake, that's for little kids. You're literally taller than the corn plants." Drew doesn't sound amused.

"Awwww, c'mon Drewy! I can put on a blindfold, and you can hold my hand, and-"

"Absolutely not."

"Awww, but there's candy at the end!"

"Hmmm... what kind?" Drew might actually give in!

"I saw airheads~"

"Sold. Let's go, Jakey!" Drew suddenly sounds enthused. We walk up to the entrance and the person gives us a funny look, but let's us go in. We are immediately faced with a fork in the path.

"Hmm, right or left?" I ask Drew.

"You're the tall one, you tell me!" Drew sounds grumpy again for some reason.

We go right.

"Ummm, I don't think this is the right way, Jake." Drew sounds worried now. "Maybe we should've turned left?"

"Or we could turn here?" I point to a left turn on the path that we're on.

"That's obviously a dead end." Drew remarks coldly.

"Well, I'm going. Cya!" I bounce happily down the path, and I hear Drew's footsteps behind me. We're met with a ton of paths to choose from.

"Hmm... We should go here first!" Without listening to Drew's snippy response, I go down the path.

This lasts literally for an hour until an employee comes and gets us.

"Do we at least get candy?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. The lady hands us both an airhead, unamused.


"Not worth it. C'mon, I gotta piss." Drew drags me away from the corn maze faster than you can say 'Lolita Baby'.

"Awww, okay. We can come back to this festival next year, right?" I ask with puppy eyes. I stare into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Absofuckingly not."

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