I swear he's the bane of my existence 🍋

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Requested by: Me :D
Alternate Title: Chat, I promise you we hate each other.


I walked alone through the hallways. People congratulated me on the competition, but I don't really care. I just want my best friend back.

My mom used to tell me to never say I was 'friends with benefits' with someone, because it's inappropriate, but that's how I can best describe Drew. Every time we had a sleepover, we'd end up making out. We've even had sex on multiple occasions.

He's beautiful. His hair is gorgeous, he's very clean shaven and takes care of himself almost religiously. Sometimes he cares too much, but-

Wham! I fell to the ground. I looked up to see a familiar face. Familiar face lined with bright, newly dyed magenta hair. He looks startled, before picking himself up off of me and dusting himself off. I'm about to get up when he extends a hand and says,

"Sorry. About everything."

"It's fine, Drew... I still love you... I could never hate you." My voice is a bit shaky. I take his hand and get up.

"If you want to... come over and... do something... n-nobody has to know." Drew says this quietly, almost a whisper, but I hear him and smirk.

"Awww, you're just dying to have me back, aren't you~?" I tease him, and lean down, making our faces level. "How about today? My mom is out of town, Milo has a party today. It'd be just the two of us~"

Drew blushes profusely and his cheeks are almost brighter than his hair. "Y-yeah, uh, yeah, that w-works..." He pauses for a moment, before adding a bit more softly, "I r-really miss our times together. I... I'd be honored to have your trust... at a deeper level, y'know? More than just... the usual. I want to try something new."

"Well, what do you have in mind?" I ask, curiously, almost as if we never hated each other.

"I w-want to p-pleasure you... I know you always t-top, but... I want to t-try and t-take control... if that's okay with you, of course." I blush as he says these words, touched by the fact that he wants to pleasure me like I've pleasured him so many times in the past.

"Y-yeah, that's alright... Do you w-want me to just come over right after school? O-or do you wanna walk home together?

"W-we can walk together..."

TIME SKIP: After School. Still JAKE POV.

Me and Drew walked silently to his house after school. As soon as we got into his gigantic bedroom, he pinned me to the wall and started to unbutton my shirt. He aggressively kissed and bit my neck, leaving bruises and love marks. I can't help but moan as he rubs his thigh in between my legs.

"I know this is kinda kinky, but can you call me daddy? And meow at me and stuff. And I'll be your alpha male and growl at you."


"I'm being legit." He grabs my thigh really hard and squeezes. "Meow at me. Now." He sounds so... dominant. It's... hot.

"M-mew..." I meow quietly at him, and he smirks seductively at me.

"Louder, kitten." I can tell he's having way too much fun with this.

"M-m... M-meow... M-mew..."

"LOUDER KITTEN!!" He yells at me, which for some reason makes my cock throb in my pants. Chat, I promise you we hate each other.

"MEOW! MROWLLL! PRRRRR!!" I roll my 'r' to make it sound like I'm purring.

"Goooood kitty~~... Now, how would you like to feel my matchbox car tesla up your ass?" I swear he is the bane of my existence.

"D-does it vibrate daddy...?"

"Call me King Alpha, peasant stray kitty!"

"D-does it vibrate King Alpha?"

"No, kitten, my matchbox car tesla won't vibrate up your ass, but I need to save the vibrator for down your throat~~... You don't want to taste shit down your throat, do you kitty~?"

"N-no King Alpha, well, if it was your shit... I would... eat it..." I feel him taking off my shirt, and he attacks my nipple with his lips and teeth. I moan in desperation, and I grip onto his hips for support. My cock is so long and hard under my clothes, I feel the waistband of my sweatpants getting stretched. Drew seems to notice my tent.

"Do you like that, kitten~?" He sounds really seductive, and I like it.

"Y-yes dadd- King Alpha... Please pleasure me..."

"Are you ready for my matchbox car tesla to race in and out of your ass? It's an electric car, so it might shock you a bit...~"

"I was b-born ready, King Alpha... Please bash in my c-cock while you do so... T-take away m-my masculinity..." Drew doesn't reply verbally, but he rips off my sweatpants and panties, giggling.

"Crossdressing again, kitten?"

"N-no King Alpha, I just wanted to look cute for you."

"Where did you get those from, kitten?"

"I traded underwear with Daisy for the day! Don't worry, King Alpha, I rawdogged her with my cock first to convince her."

"Good, kitten... Let's make sure she never sees these gorgeous panties clean ever again." Drew grabs his matchbox car tesla off the shelf, and after turning on the headlights, he shoves it up my ass.

"AAAAHHHH! KING ALPHA! DADDY! P-PLEASE! DON'T- AHGHAHAHHGGAAAHHHH" He thrusts it in and out of my ass, the battery falling out of the car. Drew removes the car, but the battery is still inside my ass.

"D-drew... I mean, K-king Alpha..." He spanks me hard on the ass.


"S-SORRY KING ALPHA! P-please get the battery out..."

"Meow for me. Beg. BEG~~!" Drew is so seductive... I can't help but oblige.


"Good kitten! Now hold still..." Drew lowers his face and starts sucking on my butt-crack. After a bit of sucking, the battery is sucked into his mouth.

"Good kitty, you are very well behaved... Would you like a reward?"

"Y-yes King Alpha... please..." As I say that, Drew removes the rest of his clothes, so we are both naked. I'm one swift motion, he sticks his hard and dripping cock balls deep into my ass.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHGGHGHGHGHHHAAAAAA!" I scream so loud, that you could probably hear it from miles away. He thrusts in and out so fast that I can barely process it.

Suddenly, I feel a shoot of hot liquid go up my ass. Drew screams as cum stops him from thrusting anymore. Drew lays down, crying slightly in pleasure.

My cock starts leaking, faster and faster, before Drew grabs onto it tightly with his last bit of energy, and sucks on it as I orgasm. I scream loudly, and we are both covered in sticky fluids.

"That... w-was... r-really good k-kitten..." Drew sounds out of breath, and he is panting as he says this.

"Thank you, King Alpha..." I am also out of breath, and I'm clinging onto his bedframe to keep steady.

"Y-you c-can call me D-drew now... Jake..."

"Okay b-baby..."

"T-thank you for helping me... I know it was k-kinky..."

"It's okay babe... I love you... A lot. C-can we f-forget about the fight and m-make up?"

"I'd love to make up... C-can we be boyfriends again? Th-this time, publicly?"

"I'd love to, Drewy Bear... I love you."

"I love you too, Jakey Bear."

"That's original."

"Shut up."

I hope you enjoyed this really horny and kinky chapter! I haven't got much to say, but shoutouts to Pickle!

Edit: what the actual fucking chihuahua shit is this

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