Classroom Love 🍋

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Requested by: @Salty-Veins @H0esL0veM3 @DeadSewerRats
Post Drakeup!

Jake POV:

I started walking down the hallway after school. I was moping, as usual, because even though I made up with the music club, Drew still hates me.

Ugh. I need to stop thinking about Drew. He hates me. He hates me. There's nothing I can do.

I still love him. He hates me.

Drew POV:

I walk down the hallways, not caring about where I end up. Sure, Liam and Henry are nice, but Jake is the only one I can think about.

I can't believe he used me like that. Can't believe as in... I don't think that was his intention. As much as my ego wants me to think he used me on purpose... I think he was really just trying to stay friends with all of us.

Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"H-hi Drew... C-can you come w-with me for a m-moment?" It's Mrs. Jones, stuttering away as usual.

"Uhh, s-sure?" I'm sorta confused but I go along with it. She takes me to a classroom and closes the door, leaving just the two of us alone in a classroom.

Jake POV:

I feel someone grab me from behind and drag me into a classroom.

It's Sadie.

I don't even try to resist.

She yeets me into a classroom and closes the door after Mrs. Jones scurries out. I quickly grab at the handle, to no avail. I hear Drew's footsteps behind me, and I turn around. He looks... Seductive?

"Hey Jakey~" Drew says. It almost sounds like he's teasing.

"Uh, hey Drew? What are you doing-" I don't get a chance to answer before Drew pins me to the wall.

"A-ah! Wh-"

Drew kisses me smack on the lips.

On the mouth.

There's a difference.

"Jake... Can we be friends again?" Drew asks as soon as he pulls away.

"Y-yeah, s-sure..."

Drew suddenly hugs me and puts his head on my chest. His fluffy magenta hair spills onto my hoodie and tickles my chin. I smile to myself as he pulls me closer.

"Drew..." I mutter to myself. It feels really nice to have him close to me again.

"I l-love you J-jake..."

"I-i... D-drew... I-i... I l-love you t-to." I struggle to get the words out. I'm completely in shock.

"S-so... Uh..." Drew seems to have something on his mind.

"I-I'm k-kinda horny..." Drew finishes his sentence shakily.

"D-drew...?" I start to feel aroused as my brain comes up with a bunch of fantasies. Touching his face, his soft skin soothing my body, kissing his neck, his whimpers sinking my teeth into his thin flesh, my hands pressed gently on his chest, rubbing slowly, squeezing his thighs...

I'd feel his lips caressing my dick, slowly inserting into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the tip. As I release, I'd pull out, my seed covering his face and hair and he'd lick it up...


"A-ah!" Drew startled me out of my fantasies.

"J-jake... D-do you want to... F-fuck?" Drew sounds really nervous, like really nervous.

"I-i... Yeah... I'd l-love that!" I try to not be weird.

Drew starts taking off his hoodie and shirt, revealing his torso. His abs are more defined than I thought they would be, which makes me go beet red as I try not to stare.

"J-jake?" Drew tugs on my shirt, pulling it over my head. I'm extremely fit, and I can feel his gaze scanning my entire body once, than twice over.

I decide to take control a little bit, so I undo his belt and start taking off his pants, leaving him in just his socks and boxers. He helps me take his pants off all the way, and then I remove my own. I feel a boner growing in my boxers, so I take them off. I sigh as my cock extends to full length, not being restricted.

"J-jake... Mmm..." Drew lets out a low hum that sounds suspiciously like a moan. I remove the rest of his clothes and put him on top of me. I squeeze his thighs gently and his cock twitches in pleasure.

"C-can I do this?" I ask sweetly. He nods shakily, and I line up my dick after using some lube that I found in the teacher's desk.

"I-is it in yet?" Drew asks, looking at me with innocent eyes.

"No, Drew, no."

"AAAHH! Oh~" Drew lets out a yelp as I insert my cock into his hole, followed by a moan. I start thrusting at a slow pace, and he grabs onto my hips.

"Is it in now?" I teasingly ask him, but it turns into a moan at the end because holy shit he feels good.

"Y-yes D-daddy~... O-oh~"

He starts thrusting my hips forward, therefore making my dick go deeper and faster into his ass. I let out a whine as my tip ventures into his extremely tight hole. His moans become louder and louder, until...

"Ah~! J-jake, I'm gonna c-cum~!" I feel close to release myself as he moans my name.

I feel a jet of sticky liquid come from his dick, covering my stomach and chest. Drew moans really loudly, almost a scream, as he climaxes.

As if on cue, I cum deep in his ass, slowly pulling out as I do so. Drew lets out another cry, and I whimper in pleasure through my panting.

"H-holy shit, Jake..." Drew stammers. He's sweating, his hair is messy, he's covered in saliva and cum, just the way I want him right now.

"Good job baby~" I tease him, and before he can reply, he zonks out on the table next to me.

"I'll wake you up when the bell rings, love..." I whisper to him before falling asleep next to him.

Haha I have no idea how to write aftercare so MWAHAHAHA SLEEP
+ALSO I messed up and wrote that they fell asleep on a bed and I got called out for it so SORRU ABOUT THAT I FIXED IT!

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