New Alphabet Song? Not on my watch! 🍋

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Requested by: Me :D
Alternate Title: shove a literal chihuahua up his ass
AU: 2024

Milo POV:

I came home from school today, singing happily. Jake started to say something, but he cut himself off.

As I walked through the front door, the familiar scent of home enveloped me, bringing a sense of comfort and warmth. The sunlight danced playfully through the windows, casting cheerful patterns on the floor. I kicked off my shoes and felt the soft carpet beneath my feet, a small luxury that always made me smile. With each step, I sung a tune that seemed to harmonize with the peaceful ambiance of my surroundings. Today was a good day, and I was grateful for the simple joys that awaited me at home.

"Hey, Milo, your singing sounds goo-" Jake stops suddenly.

"Something wrong? I'm just singing the alphabet song?" I question innocently.

Jake gets a really dark look in his eyes. His voice deepens. His eyes turn to black holes, and I feel the air surrounding us chill.

"That is NOT the alphabet song."

Drew POV:

BANG. BANG. BANG. Someone is pounding on my door. I look out the peephole and see a very angry Jake. I quickly open the door and he storms inside.

"Jake, you good?" I try to see what's wrong. "Jaaaakeee? Babe?" He looks really mad.

"Drew. Sing the alphabet song." It wasn't a request. It was a demand. In fear of getting ripped to shreds, I open my mouth and sing.

"A, B, C, D, E, F, G. H, I, J, K, LMNOP. Q, R-" Jake cuts me off with a sharp "ha!".

"I knew it! These iPad kids are doing it all wrong!" Jake shouts triumphantly.

"Wh- what do you mean?" For some reason, Jake being riled up like this makes me sort of hot.

"They must've changed the song! I need to look into this!" Jake whips out his phone and types into Google 'new alphabet song'. He gasps.

"THEY DID!" Jake presses play. The song goes, "A, B, C, D, E, F, G. H, I, J, K, L, M, N. O P Q R S T U. V. W. X Y Z."

Jake screams in rage. He throws his phone. I feel my cock involuntarily throb at his hot motions. I make a desperate attempt to save the situation before he breaks something.

"H-hey Jake... It does have a good beat, though? A good pace... Maybe we should fuck to it!"

"Y'know, that'd be a good way for me to empty my rage... C'mere." Jake reaches for me and touches my hips. He pulls me closer and starts kissing me roughly. I feel him insert his tongue into my mouth, and we make out for a little bit.

He slips his hand into my sweatpants and starts to touch my dick from outside my boxers. I moan quietly into the kiss, feeling a course of pleasure flow from my cock and through my body.

"A-ah~" He strokes my member gently, in a way that leaves me longing for more, and I feel myself getting hard.

"Does that feel goooood, Bubbles~?" Jake teases as he slips my sweatpants off of my juicy panda cheeks.

"Y-yes Jellybean...~" I reply as I groan from the pressure that comes from Jake's hand on my dick.

Suddenly, I take control and I take off his pants and shove a literal chihuahua up his ass.


Suddenly, he rips off my shirt and starts sucking my nipple. I moan in delight, feeling his hands on my lower back. His hands slip down, and he starts to finger my ass. I whimper at the sudden entry, which only encourages him to find my soft spot. About 3 inches in, curl the finger down slightly, apply pressure for 3-5 seconds at a time. Works every time. I let out a cry of pleasure as he rubs my walls, and he snorts at my noise.

"Awww, does that feel goooood, Bubbles~?" Jake teases again, and he inserts another finger. At the same time, he takes off the rest of both of our clothes with his free hand.

The fingers he keeps inserting shove the chihuahua further up my ass. Two minutes later he shoves his BIG FAT JUICY COCK up my ass and I feel my stomach stretching. My neck starts expanding. I vomit up the chihuahua and it barks in disapproval.


He puts in a third finger and readies himself to enter my hole. After applying wayyyyyy too much lube, he gently pushes the tip of his cock in my ass.

"Is that okay, Bubbles~?" He asks seductively but caringly.

"Y-yes... A-ah~... J-jellybean..." He puts in a little more as I moan my special pet name for him.

Jake starts thrusting in and out slowly. Every time I make a noise, his pace quickens. We both get closer to our climax with every motion. I feel his hips crash into mine, my face covered in the saliva I can't stop from spilling out of my speechless mouth. Jake grabs my waist and thrusts really hard one final time.

"A-AHH~ J-jelly~!" My cum spills everywhere. Jake pounds his dick into me twice more before filling me up with his seed. We both sit there panting for a moment.

"C'mere, Drew, lemme help you clean up~" Jake says innocently, as if I had just fallen to the dirt at recess instead of gotten fucked.

There's no way I'm walking tomorrow.

Thank you for reading this chapter! Shoutout to the chihuahua /j. Shoutouts to Pickle :DD

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