You make me warmer than she ever could pt2 ☁️

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"I l-love you so much Drew." I'm still catching my breath.

"I l-love you too."

Thanks to @drewybearrrr and @Basicallymills for requesting part 2! Inspiration: https:/

We pull away completely and take a moment of silence to catch our breath. Drew puts his hand on my waist, grabbing onto my shirt and pulling me into a gentle hug. He tugs at my shirt again and I look at him. His eyes are wide and pleading, and he looks at me expectantly.

I put my hand on his arm and realize he's really cold. I grab my hoodie from the chair behind me and wrap it around him. He puts it on, and it's wayyyy too big, which makes it adorable. The sleeves are baggy on him and it goes down to his knees, but it's so cute! I scoop him up and put him on my lap.

"E-eh? Jake...?" Drew seems startled when I put him on my lap.

Drew POV:

Jake grabs his hoodie and puts it around me. I hesitate for a second before putting it on. It's warm, cuddly, and comfortably oversized. I bring my knees to my chest and wrap it around my legs to warm up.

Jake scoops me up in his arms and sets me on his lap.

"E-eh? Jake...?" His sudden movement startles me and I instinctively cling onto him. He giggles and pulls me closer.

He leans his head on my shoulder and whispers into my ear, "You're soooo cute Drewy Bear~"

I feel my face warming up and I look away from him, flustered. He puts his index and middle fingers below my chin and forces me to look at him. I blush harder, closing my eyes so I don't have to look at him. I feel his warm breath on my face, getting closer and closer.

He kisses my nose gently. His warm lips feel like heaven against my cold skin. I feel him smiling as he pulls away.

I lean onto his shoulder and press my forehead against his neck. Jake's so warm, and I'm like a freezer. I always long for his warm touch and having him next to me like this makes me melt inside. 

I start to feel hungry. Snacks flood my brain. Chips... Oreos... Cookies... Nilla Wafers... Those weird strawberry candies that I found on Amazon that only grandmas have...

"Jakey?" I try to get his attention, but he's zoning out again.

"Jake? I'm hungry." He still doesn't respond. I shake his arm slightly as my stomach grumbles.

"Jakeeeeee..." Still no response. I just stop trying, letting him be with his own thoughts. My stomach pinches but I ignore it, leaning in closer and cuddling Jake. He hugs me closer without thinking and continues staring into space.

Jake POV:

Drew leans onto my shoulder, pressing his cold forehead on my warm neck. He's always so cold, it makes me want to scoop him up and cuddle him until he can't breathe.

Is he talking to me? His voice is so smooth and buttery, and when he's tired, it gets all deep and sexy...

Seeing him in my hoodie makes me go crazy. My head spins when he touches me, even just a finger on my forearm or an accidental scrape of the hand.

I feel him press up against me and my mind is in total bliss. Fantasies of dates, romantic nights, stargazing, picnics, brunches, cuddles, sitting on the rooftop and watching the sunset, staying up all night in each other's arms...

I blink hard, my eyes watering from being open. Damn, I must have been staring into space for a while. I look down and see Drew relaxed on my chest. I kiss him on the top of the head gently.

He looks up at me with half-closed eyes and whispers, "Can we get food?"

I chuckle quietly. He's always hungry. "Of course sweetie, what do you want?"

"Do you have chips? Or Oreos? Or those chocolate homemade cookies that Milo always makes?"

I giggle at his enthusiasm surrounding food. "All of the above, sweetheart. Milo made a batch last night."

"Ooooh! Fresh cookies! Let's go get some!" Drew sounds happy as he peels himself off of me and grabs my hand.

We stand up and Drew drags me to the kitchen, where we find Milo, munching on Doritos.

"Hey squirt! Where'd you put the cookies?" I ask him, and he points to a Ziplock bag on the counter, with his mouth full of chips.

Drew grabs a cookie out and stuffs his face full, and while laughing at his childish nature, I take a bite of one myself.

"Yum! Thnn kmmu! (Thank you!)" Drew says with his mouth full.

"You're welcome!" Milo says, his voice full of pride.

I stare at Drew while he grabs for seconds, lost in his fluffy pink hair.


Sorry it's short, but I ran out of ideas lol. Thanks for reading!

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