What's wrong?

160 18 3

"One last thing, if something is going to happen between us, you should promise me that it will stay a secret between us."

"Why? Are you scared people will know you're getting fucked by a man?"


"Shit, not again!"

Hyunjin woke up sweating again, holding his throbing head between his arms.

"So, do you always talk in your sleep?"

He looked up surprised at the voice ready to hurt whoever the fuck got in his house when he was unconscious(?)

Though he didn't feel less confused when he saw the now familiar blue haired boy staring at him from the door of his room.

"What thee fuck are you doing in my home?! And how the fuck did you get here!?"

This definitely did not make Hyunjin feel any less suspicious of the new boy.

"Wow, darling, is this how you thank me for getting you home safe?"

Hyunjin looked at him confused, and that before he remembered what happened last night.

Well, not really. He just remembers apologising to San, Felix, and Jake getting in the seen, and somehow Shuhua got in there.

He can't tell what's real and what's a dream anymore.

"Getting me home? No one asked you to!"

"Hmm, right. I should've left you with that freak, so he'll take you home with him. Just say thank you, darling, it's not that hard."

Ah, right.

Hyunjin also remembers what San said to him.
The words never felt to make his blood boil. He also felt a strange amount of anger go through him at the thought of San. It's like his brain suddenly decided to hate the boy even more.

Hyunjin heard shuffling in the house before he caught sight of Jake peeking his head from the kitchen.

"The fuck? You're both here?"

He locked eyes with Felix.

The latter tilted his head to the side and blinked his eyes. The move never felt to make Hyunjin's mind go blank for some reason.


It took Hyunjin some time to remind himself to speak.

"Isn't that Jake? What is he doing in my kitchen?"

He said while taking off the blanket and standing up.
While he passed through the door, he felt a strange energy from Felix, but he tried to ignore it and kept walking towards his kitchen.

"Ah, yes. Darling, I can't believe you remembered my friend's name. Just say you're interested in me!"


"He saw me."


The younger sighed before he looked at his friend.

"He can see me. He can talk to me."

"Oh yeah, I noticed."

"And? Why is that?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Cause you're the fucking Devil! Oh my god! I knew bringing us here would be a bad idea!"

"Relax, man, it's not that deep."

"It's not that deep? He can fucking see me! We both know that's not normal! Do you know what that means? It means he's the one we're looking for!"

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