No hope left

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Hyunjin felt out of breath. I mean, he was just sobbing his heart out when he suddenly started running after a shadow. (He felt like his heart might actually stop working any second now.)

But even so, he didn't care. He didn't stop. Even if the people walking in the street gave him weird stares.

He took a sharp turn, walking into an ally that he knew all too well. Less people were here. He was starting to feel his legs about to give up on him and he was hanging from a loose thread.

So he yelled.


He yelled.

"Jake, I know you can hear me! Come out!"

He yelled.

"Please! I just want to - to talk!"

He cried.


His palms went over his stinging eyes and he pressed on them hoping to stop his overflowing tears.

He stood there. In the dark street. Crying. Calling for the disappeared guy.

He guesses this is how Felix must've felt when he lost Jake.

But he had Hyunjin at that time, at least, he wasn't totally alone.

Hyunjin has no one.

He's alone.

Cold and alone.

"Please, stop crying...... I'm sorry."

He opened his eyes to find Jake in front of him, with tears in his own eyes.

So Hyunjin, did the only thing that felt right at that moment. He pulled him in a hug.

"It's okay."

He heard him say.

But it wasn't enough. It wasn't the deep voice that he wanted to hear. The embrace wasn't that warm. It wasn't the strong arms that wrapped around him in the softest way possible as if he was about to break.

It wasn't enough cause it wasn't Felix.

"I - what happened? Where were you? Where - where is he? Why did you leave me? What did I do? Does he hate m -"

"Hyunjin - slow down, yeah?"

Just breathe. He had to remind himself.

Jake rubbed his face aggressively.

Hyunjin has to be honest, the other didn't look like he's doing that good either. And it scared him.

"I - I don't know where is he."

It came out as a whisper that if they weren't alone in the middle of the night, Hyunjin wouldn't be able to hear him.

But he did.

And that wasn't the answer he was hoping for.

"What - what do you mean!? He - he left after talking to you ... you must know something!"

"He - that day was the last time I saw him too. He .... he went back home ... I think."

Hyunjin was so confused.

"You think?"

"Look, that's all that I could tell you. I want him back too, yeah? But right now we're in a tight stop, and he needs to do some stuff. Just - give up, Hyunjin. He might not come back."

Hyunjin stared at him. He didn't have it in him to cry anymore.

He was mad.

"Don't you fucking dare tell me to give up! I don't care what's going on back home, I just want him back! This is your fault for disappearing in the first pla -"

"My fault?! What do you fucking know, huh? If anyone is to blame here it's you! This is your fault, Hyunjin! Felix is stuck here because of you! We are both about to lose every fucking thing because of you! And if anything happens to him, I'll make sure to make you pay for it myself!"

Hyunjin looked at him with raging and confused eyes.

How is this his fault?

"Me? What did I do?"

He heard Jake scoff.

"Please, I'm sure you're memories are back by now, no?"

"I - what? No ..... What does it have to do with -"

He saw Jake roll his eyes.

Hyunjin doesn't understand. How is he responsible for this?

"O - okay, hear me out, please. I don't really know what you're talking about, but please, can you do something? Can you at least tell me if he's okay? Im going crazy over her -"

"Hyunjin! I don't fucking care if you're going crazy or if you feel like dying! It's you're fucking fault so don't fucking act like a victim! I don't know where the Devil is, and even if I knew, i wouldn't tell you!"

Hyunjin felt his hopes come crashing down in front of him.

He thought that since he found Jake, then - he isn't really sure - could know something. Reach Felix somehow.

But then Jake prouved him wrong.

"I - I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I did something to anger you. But please, try to understand where I'm coming from. I care about him to -"

Jake stepped closer to him, with his raging eyes burning daggers into Hyunjin's soul.

"If Felix happens to come back all fine and after fixing the shit we're in, I'll make sure you and him won't ever meet again. I should've done that way before, but he fucking promised me that we won't need to do this. So this time, I'll make sure he doesn't leave his path and fall for you again."

Those were the last words Jake said before he completely vanished.

In front of Hyunjin's eyes.

Leaving him alone.

With no answer to his questions but with more confusion.

He was so confused. Why is it his fault? Why does Jake suddenly hate him? Where did Felix go? And what trouble did the Devil get himself into?

So many questions but no one to answer them.

And Hyunjin felt hopeless. It's not like he can do something to get the Devil back.

Or maybe he can.

Maybe he can do something.

Hyunjin ran back to where he came from.

He ran and ran and ran.

And finally, stood in front of the only person that he knows he can help him.

He's not sure if it'll work, but he'll try.
He'll try anything at this point. Anything to get him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01 ⏰

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