Turned on

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Hyunjin laughed as Jake continued to tell him embarrassing stories of Felix's past lives.

He ignored the fact that some of them felt too familiar to him.

It doesn't make sense.

When he was close enough to his dorm, Hyunjin spotted two familiar faces.

He turned to look at Jake.

"What the -"

He could swear the boy was just next to him telling yet another story.

Where did he go? Hyunjin questioned.

"Hyunjin! Dude, where were you?"

The two boys ran to him.

It was Minho and Seungmin.

Hyunjin continued walking to his door. He was still mad.

"None of your fucking business. What are you doing in front of my house?"

He felt Minho place a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

He looked at them with anger clearly visible in his eyes.

"Hyunjin, we need to talk."

"About what exactly? About how you stood there and watched as your friend fucking made a scene? About how he was about to fucking punch me? About how he spread rumours about me?"

The older sighed.

"Look, I know Changbin fucked it up and trust me me and Chan hyung gave him a piece of our mind."

Hyunjin scoffed.

Like he gives a shit.

Seungmin jumped in next.

"But Hyunjin, you broke the rule too. You know that we are not allowed to hit on our friends' crushes. And everyone knew Changbin had a thing for the new guy."

Hyunjin stepped closer to the boy. He felt the familiar rage take over him.

"Seungmin, I couldn't give two fucks about that rule. Not my fucking fault the new guy doesn't want him. And I was not hitting on him, I barely talked to him. And even if I was, that doesn't give him the right to go spread fucking shit talk about me."

"Hyunjin, just talk it out yeah? You won't possibly lose a friendship over a dude that couldn't give two shits about any of you."

Hyunjin chuckled.

"But he does, Seungmin. Felix does give two shits about me, and you guys can't stomach that. Do me a favour, forget we even were friends."


Jake walked in the house and closed the door behind him.

Soon enough, Felix stepped out of the bathroom.

"Did he get home safe?"

Jake hummed.

"I don't know about safe, but I sure got him home."

The older stared at him.

"Jake, what the fuck happened?"

"His friends were waiting for him. So I let them talk."

Felix pulled out his phone and messaged the boy, just to make sure nothing had happened.

"Anyway, are you ready to go?"

Felix looked up from his phone.

"Go where?"

"The Devil has work to do, remember? We could've gotten done earlier, but you brought your lover with you."

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