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Saphrina does her services but keeps being visited by Ares just wanting to see her, causing conflict as the Higher being starts catching on to Ares presence around Saphrina.

The other angels shy away from Ares out of fear of being punished but Saphrina doesn't, having her angel wings removed and sent down to earth as a punishment for entertaining Ares so freely.

Now a fallen angel, Saphrina has to learn how to be an actual human instead of healing them and acting as their guardian.

Struggling to get to her feet from the pain throbbing onto her back where her wings once were, Ares shows up taking her back to Greece and laying her down on his king size bed.

"This is all I could do," He says while getting her covered with his satin sheets.

Saphrina turns her back to him, falling asleep having Ares peer over looking at the burned marks stitched on her back.

The God of War everyone so feared, appears as Ares goes to where Saphrina once stayed and created war for them treating Saphrina the way they did.

"Now y'all should burn as you burned her," Ares says, setting fire to the pearly gates and everything inside.

Angels wailed in agony as the fire sprouts bigger than the one Ares executed.

The Higher being tries to salvage what it can but only has a few of its angels saved while the rest perished.

"You will get your karma...both of you," The Higher being says to Ares as he starts to walk away after seeing everything and everyone turn to ash.

Stopping and looking back, he says, "You all betrayed your own for your own pathetic reasons and we're to blame?"

The Higher being looks to Ares with so much wrath that it could make God himself appear.

"You proved exactly why we did what we did to Saphrina. She gave in to sin, she gave into you and your argonant ways."

Ares stifles a laugh shaking his head, "No, I'm showing her she can depend on me to fight her battles instead of just watching her suffer on her own."

The Higher being now laughs, smiling, "Ego...it's one tricky beast," With that Ares leaves and the Higher being helps who has been severely burned, glancing up at Ares as he has no remorse for what he had just done.


Wanting to surprise Ares, Aphrodite goes into his room getting ready to uncover herself only being bare underneath the robe she was wearing, to see Saphrina asleep getting unbearably jealous.

"What are you and why are you in my bed?" Aphrodite says out loud to wake Saphrina up.

Turning over to see who was being obnoxious, Saphrina sits up tossing her long hair behind her to cover her back.

"Ares brought me here I didn't know he was spoken for," Saphrina says truthfully while still sounding straightforward.

Aphrodite is about to rip Saphrina out of Ares bed until he storms in hearing Aphrodite made her way inside his home without his permission.

"Get out," Ares says brazenly.

Aphrodite snakes her hand over to his face but he yanks it away glaring at her.

"Go. I'm not going to repeat myself."

Saphrina gets out of bed but Ares rushes to her showing a kindness he's never shown anyone not even to Aphrodite besides lust.

"She reeks of angelic residue," Aphrodite says, being bitter.

Ares helps Saphrina back to bed but she refuses not wanting to be in more problems than she already is.

"Stay, I'll have someone make you something to eat and draw you a bath to soak in."

Aphrodite is taken back by his soft tone he's giving Saphrina and scoffs.

"Did you forget who I am? Or is this to get back at me for not leaving your brother for you?"

Ares, tired of Aphrodite talking, grabs her by the arm and shoves her out the room slamming the door behind him as he hems her up against the wall.

"Does it look like I want to get into bed with you right now? Let alone have a conversation about the business you have with my brother and me?"

Ares asks Aphrodite with nothing but anger behind his every word and action, to Aphrodite he was sexy as hell especially with his hand around her throat the way that it was.

"We don't do well with Cupid's family, you know that," Aphrodite moans out being turned on by Ares.

Ares sees where she might be wanting to go with this conversation and lets go shaking his head.

"I don't want you coming here anymore, not when I have a guest here."

Aphrodite walks up behind Ares planting small kisses on the back of his neck thinking he'll fold like he always does but it doesn't so she lets out a depleting sound of dissatisfaction.

"What's your hard on for her anyways? She's nothing special."

Ares looks to Aphrodite with all the seriousness he could conjure up and says, "You wouldn't understand even if it did involve sex," Then goes back into his room to see Saphrina wasn't there having his mind race with thoughts he never cared to have before.

 Getting a few of his men, he has them look for her but she's already running into the forbidden forest where no human or angel should enter.

Once she does a serpent from one of the forbidden forest slithers down getting ready to sink it's fangs into her until Ares snatches it away tossing it a few feet from where they were.

"How'd you get here so fast?" Saphrina says weak as the pain from her back gets worse.

"I'm a Greek God, what else is there to say?"

Saphrina nods then faints having Ares catch her taking her back to his home on Mount Olympus, having his people gather herbs and other things Saphrina might need to regain strength as well as her health. 

Watching over her, Ares moves a strand of her long bouncy hair out her face, really etching her features into his brain not wanting to miss anything with this sort of infatuation that was growing inside being around Saphrina.

If someone was to ask him just like Aphrodite had asked and why her? Why Saphrina? 

The only answer he could provide was that it was just her, she is something he's never experienced before and he liked that feeling, the feeling of something entirely more than lust. 

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