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Killing Atlas sent a message to the other powerful Titans, wanting Ares to pay for what he had done as the Higher being sat in disarray at the now broken pearly gates with angels bodies lying dead everywhere and Saphrinas body lying right in front of them as a reminder why it all happened.

Ares thought that was the end, until a message was sent out to now have him and his kids head on a spear for killing Atlas from a few surviving Titans that got away during the battle.

But he wouldn't know that until he got back from saving Nysa and Fisher.

"You know I love you both right?" Ares asks Nysa and Fisher as he gets them out of the cages while Keon looks at his mom as her energy is being shifted to him fully.

Nysa cries on Ares shoulder as Fisher hugs her and Ares at the same time.

Apollo goes to touch Keon's shoulder, "Son," He says hesitantly.

Keon watches as his mom chuckles slowly then slowly closes her eyes with the words, "Guess the God he prays to answered for once..." Dying right then and there, Keon lets a tear slip out but looks to Apollo for the first time in twenty-seven years.

"So you're my dad..." Keon says, trying to process standing in front of Apollo.

"I've missed you son," Hugging Keon, Keon slowly wraps his arms around him and cries into his broad shoulder.

Ares holds Nysa and Fisher faces saying, "Your mother—I–," Nysa shakes her head slowly, "Dad you don't have to say it, I already know."

Rumbling of the Underworld makes the two families turn as Hecate's body dissolves and her energy evaporates making things unravel.

"What's happening?" Nysa asks.

Keon looks around, "Without my mom running things, everything is being taken."

Fisher scrunches his eyebrows, "And goes where?"

Keon sighs, "Me, I take over."

Apollo looks to his son, "Is that really what you want?"

Keon shrugs, "I have no choice, I embody all her powers now."

Apollo looks to his son who now has the whole Underworld on his shoulders.

"Then I'll stay as you do, however long it takes. I can't be apart from you anymore."

Keon looks to Apollo, "Don't you have your own life? Don't throw it away just for me."

Apollo shakes his head, "Your my son, my life was nice, yes, but everyday you were away my heart broke more and more missing you."

Ares takes Nysa and Fisher through a portal, taking them to the forbidden forest their mom once ran through, the place their mom and him actually made their love a reality.

"I have to make sure the house is guarded before I can bring you two back, can you stay here and not cause any attention to yourselves until I'm back?"

Fisher nods holding onto Nysa, "I know I was being a wuss before but I can protect her, I assure you."

Ares kisses Nysa's head then pats Fisher's back leaving them alone and heading back up to their home.

Fisher looks to Nysa, "How are you holding up?"

Nysa on edge says, "Like a part of me has been ripped," Tears start to form again as she thinks of the memories of Saphrina cloud her thoughts again.

Fisher pulls her into a bear hug, letting her cry to her heart's content, staying silent. 


Regenerating the pearly gates and the angels lost, the Higher being places Saphrina's body in a healing incubator that the Oracle designed for these kind of mishaps.

Wanting to prove Ares wrong about Saphrina dying out of egotistical ways, they try their hardest to bring Saphrina back.

"How do you think this is going to go?" The Oracle asks the Higher being.

Tapping its chin it says, "We shall see," Then looks down at Saphrina.


Ares taking a long time to come back, Nysa stands on top of a rock trying to spot the house but there was no light in sight to help point out where it might be.

"See anything?" Fisher says holding onto Nysa's legs to keep her from falling off the rock.

Nysa shakes her head, "No, nothing."

Fisher helps her down then hears Nysa's stomach groan in hunger.

"I saw some fruit on a tree over there, should I grab us some?"

Nysa, not able to hide her hunger nods, "Yeah that would be great."

Fisher climbing up the tree is about to pick an apple off the tree until Ares grabs him down.

"Are you trying to kill you and your sister? Those are poisonous."

Fisher freezes up at the word sister, looking to Nysa.


Ares nods, "Yes, now come on. Change of plans."

Nysa follows behind Ares and Fisher and asks, "What change of plans? What happened?"

Ares sighs low, "A Titan I killed, his people are now after me and now you two."

Fisher stops having Ares turn and stop as well.

"So now we have to hide again right?"

Ares tries to explain but Fisher shakes his head, "I'm not having my mind twisted in amnesia again let alone Nysa's."

Men commanded by Zeus swarm in taking Nysa by the arms, "Looks like I have to correct your father's mistakes once again."

Zeus says as they have Nysa get on her knees as they put on magical cuffs to keep her fire abilities in control.

"Father!" Ares says roaring in anger but Zeus looks to Fisher.

"Seems my grandson resembles me well."

Fisher spits at Zeus' feet, angry for him treating Nysa the way that he is.

"Seems you picked up your father's unhealthy behavior, what a shame."

Snapping his fingers, he and his men take Nysa away leaving Fisher with Ares fuming. 

"Why does this keep happening? What did we do to deserve this? Especially Nysa?"

Fisher asks Ares as Ares is now holding his head leaning against a tree.

"Nothing son, nothing."

Fisher closes his eyes trying to catch his thoughts from running so wild in his head.

"How is Nysa my sister? I don't have any recollection of that. I only have memories of a blonde woman and your voice."

Ares knowing he's talking about Aphrodite sighs in irritation now, "Saphrina is Nysa's mother, my wife but before me and Saphrina made your sister, your mother and I were in a ill relationship and she conceived you in that time."

"So you cheated? And me and Nysa are half siblings?"

Old rage quickly erupts in Ares and he's now grabbing Fisher's shirt collar saying, "I never stepped out on Saphrina. I love her and always will. Nysa and you will be siblings no matter if it's half or not. Any idea you have in that brain of yours, take it out because you can not be with Nysa in any way other than being her brother."

Pushing him away from him, Ares sighs more angrily now trying to figure out how to get Nysa back. 

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