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Ares is holding his head in his hands as Saphrina has been on a rampage about not being able to see her daughter.


Ares tries to calm his wife down but she pushes him away resenting him of his choice now.

"Please don't hate me...my love it's for the greater good."

Saphrina, detached from any warm fuzzy feeling that would have caused her to be swooned into his arms, falters out of her system and all that remains is pure anger.

"I want to speak with him. I want to speak to your father Zeus."

Ares now takes on the aggression she's feeling and tosses a chair into the balcony window causing more tension to arise.

"You know you can't do that," Ares says coldly.

Saphrina, not shaken by his angry declaration shrugs, "Watch me," Then leaves to get a message out to Zeus having her sent directly to him.

Zeus on his pedestal looks down to Saphrina with a smugged look on his face now understanding his son's actions when it came to Saphrina herself.

"You're the factor of my son changing huh?"

Saphrina, only being there to see her daughter, cuts to the chase and asks Zeus to send her to the place Nysa was sent off to.

Making a tsk sound, Zeus shakes his head at Saphrina.

"That Island is for bastard children that can no longer live with their bastard parents. Did my son, your husband not explain that to you already?"

Saphrina huffs in angst, tired of being told the same run around and just wants to see Nysa.

"There has to be a way to see my daughter, your grandchild," Saphrina says strongly.

Zeus thinks on it and sighs with fake defeat, "There is none sorry, is that all?"

Saphrina hasn't felt her angelic grace activate in years but not being able to see her only child fuels just enough for her amber eyes to light with fire as she was once a purifying fire angel.

Zeus, tickled by this, chuckles with animosity.

"Go back to the heaven you were dropped from and leave my gruesome son alone in his own hell he created when he became the savage that he is."

Saphrina's hands gloat with fire combusting from her fingertips and palms until Zeus orders his men to attain her and throw her in the pit.

"Maybe a timeout will help you remember your manners while being in my mere presence."

Dragging Saphrina away, Zeus folds his arms, adjusting himself on his pedestal.


The island sun wakes Nysa as she's swinging alone in Dov's hammock as the rest are out gathering things for whatever they had set in mind.

Fisher on the other hand is washing his face by the ocean to try and make himself more elusive as he's still tired from not sleeping last night.

"Is it cold?" Nysa yells out to Fisher as he does his hair next.

Fisher turns, shadowing his face as the sun blinds him partially from looking at Nysa.

"It's actually warm!"

Just hearing that, Nysa gets out the hammock and slips out her dress running into the water to wash off the sand that was still sticking to her skin.

Fallen Out Of GraceWhere stories live. Discover now