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Apollo sips on water from the Fountain of Youth as Cupid plays on his small harp while floating above in a conformed cloud, only to watch over Apollo himself.

"How many poems or letters have you written for your son?"

Apollo wipes his mouth then says, "Twenty-seven," Then turns to grab his painting tools to paint the scenery they were surrounded with which was, the fountain itself but beautiful outgrown flowers with birds pitched up on the tree branches and a few clouds hiding the oversized sun that was trying to show itself, but got dimmed as the puffy white clouds start to block it.

"Why that many?" Cupid asks like Cheshire Cat would in Alice in Wonderland.

Apollo chuckles lightly while knowing the meaning as he's about to tell Cupid.

"His birthday, each one for his birthday."

Cupid keeps strumming on his harp, closing his eyes, mustering up a plan to reunite Apollo with his son.

Tapping his small toes on the cloud he's laying on, Cupid sits up placing the harp to the side of him.

"Does your son carry a last name?" Cupid asks questioningly with a tap of his chin.

Apollo keeps painting, not wanting to give his son's personal surname away.

"Leave it Cupid, I don't need you stirring up a storm that doesn't need stirring."

Cupid shrugs his small shoulders, "He's something precious to you, why can't I be at service to get him back for you?"

Apollo cleans off his painting brush, looking at Cupid, he says, "Because when you mess with the naturality of things, things come out more messed up then they should be. I want my son to come back naturally, of his own free will."

Nodding, Cupid sighs, "Fine...fine...I'll leave it alone," Crossing his fingers behind his small back, Cupid smiles knowing he's going to do the opposite.


Fisher has Brooks and Dov help cool down Nysa as she boils from the inside out with a severe fever.

"What is happening to her?" Fisher says worried.

Dov gathers water from the slow dying rain outside the cave, having Brooks wring out the water onto Nysa's arms, legs and head.

"This is way out of my league," Dov admits, just trying to get more rain water.

Brooks sees the water sizzle off her body like a boiling pot would when the water spills out on the sides.

Out of the corner of the cave, Keon awakens holding his chest, hyperventilating.

Looking around he sees the group hovering over Nysa trying to cool her body temp.

Getting up on his feet, he rushes over, pushing Dov and Brooks to the side.

Never showing his true self and gifts, he cuts his palm with the spearhead that was lying on the cave floor, saying an incantation that could help Nysa.

Fisher looks with horror as he continues but sees Nysa wake with her normal complexion, coming back.

"What are you? The devil's son?" Fisher retorts towards Keon.

Keon cuts his eyes at Fisher and helps Nysa up from laying down.

Dov and Brooks look at Keon estranged as well but just relieved Nysa was okay.

"What was that...?" Dov asks Keon.

Keon sighs, ripping up one of the cloths that were there and wraps his palm.

"If I told you guys, you wouldn't be able to trust me."

Brooks nods, "Damn right, since when you knew how to do witch stuff?"

Keon brushes his hair back, "Again I can't tell you guys."

Nysa looks to Keon furrowing her eyebrows together, "How'd you know what to do?"

Keon groans in aggravation, turning away, knowing if he tells them everything it won't go well.

"A hunch. Alright."

Dov folds her arms, "Hunch my ass, Keon. How'd you know how to help Marina?"

Brooks and Fisher wait for his answer but Keon shakes his head saying, "I can't guys, I'm sorry."

Dov nods dusting her hands off aggressively, "So we hide things from each other when it benefits whoever, right? Is that what you're saying to me? To Brooks?"

Keon rubs his palm through the makeshift bandage he made and sighs heavily.

"It's for your guys' own good. That's the only reason why I would hide what I can really do."

Fisher catches on and says, "You have your memories don't you? This whole time."

Dov and Brooks look at Keon waiting for him to disagree but he doesn't.

"It's really hard to exp-" Dov slaps Keon with her nostrils flared with anger.

"I'm glad you had fun pretending to give a fuck when obviously this whole time it's been one fucking joke to you right? Seeing us struggling while you could have easily helped us remember or get off this damn island!" Dov says now shouting at the top of her lungs.

Brooks tries to have Dov move back before she strikes Keon again but he fails as she hits his chest while saying, "Why would you do that? Why would you not help when you could have? Why?" Dov asks now ecstatic with tears spiraling down. The rain starts to pick up again with winds whipping between them as the waves from the water rise bigger and bigger with each thing Dov said or did. Brooks looked horrified as the water began to flood onto shore. "Dov...Dov! Calm down!" Brooks takes hold of her, caressing her head as she cries into his chest.

"How are you not a..angry?" Dov says sniffling.

Brooks just keeps holding Dov while saying,"Everything happens for a reason, maybe this is what's going to save us finally," Brooks then looks at Keon with a threatening glare almost as if what he said was a direct hit to Keon.

Dov calming down, the rain, wind and water do too.

Nysa and Fisher just sat back and watched, now being the observers instead of including themselves in what seemed like a family breaking apart, a very dysfunctional one.

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