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Finding Ares bleeding, bruised and sore, Aphrodite rushes to his aid.

"Ares, sweetheart," Touching his face, Ares pushes her away but she latches on either way.

"Fisher, I sent Fisher away," Ares grunts out in pain.

Aphrodite, not caring for their son's safety, sighs it off and holds Ares face again.

"I'll get you patched up, hm? So don't talk as much sweetheart."

Ares smacks her hand away hard, with his eyes narrowed at her angrily.

"You are not Saphrina, you will not touch or do anything to me."

Aphrodite scoffs standing with her hands on her curvy but slim waist saying, "She's dead and I'm sorry but she's never coming back. So, either I help you or you stay here being miserable in pain."

Ares nods, "I'll take my-" He coughs while holding his arm that's bleeding.

Aphrodite sighs, trying to have Ares stand and lean on her for support as she takes him to his bedroom.

"You didn't have to take me here, the dining room would've been better."

Aphrodite let's Ares fall onto the bed while falling next to him.

"Get up," Ares says with his blood now boiling that she would even be despicable enough to try and lay in his and Saphrina's bed. 

"Oh come on, I can play nurse and you can be the helpless patient," Trying to touch Ares again, someone bursts open the bedroom doors.

Both Ares and Aphrodite look up and both their mouths fell open with shock, but Ares stands even still in pain rushing over to them.

"My love–" Saphrina walks over to Aphrodite and smacks almost all the color out of her face and says, "A whore just doesn't know their place do they?"

Aphrodite holds her face still in shock by Saphrina's miraculous appearance and being alive.

"You were dead," Aphrodite confusingly says.

Ares grabs hold of Saphrina, looking into those amber eyes of hers and breaks down with relief.

"I couldn't breathe–I couldn't be without you," Ares says through teary eyes.

Saphrina heals Ares wounds then holds his face saying, "I know my love," Kissing his lips, Aphrodite scoffs out speechless still.

"Where are the kids?" Saphrina asks Ares looking into his eyes searchingly.

Ares presses his forehead to hers and says, "I sent Fisher back to the island as the Titans invaded and Nysa...my father took her."

Saphrina sighs, "Then let's go get them," Squeezing Ares hand, they walk out but are met with Zeus himself.

"You damn angelic beings," Zeus unleashes an unbearable bolt of power towards Saphrina but Ares pushes her out the way to get hit with it instead.

"Ares!" Both Saphrina and Aphrodite says in unison.

Zeus steps over Ares and goes to Saphrina but Ares grabs onto his father's foot.

"D-Don't you dare hurt her," Ares says, twitching from the bolt through clenched teeth.

Zeus kicks Ares' hand off and goes after Saphrina with fury in his eyes.

"Why can't you stand down? You and your wretched offspring."

Tossing Saphrina to the wall, Ares tries to get up to fight his father until Aphrodite keeps him down.

"He'll kill you," She says, scared for him.

Ares ignores Aphrodite still trying to get to Saphrina, "I'm not letting her die, not again."

Holding onto the wall, steading himself, Ares grabs a sword left on the ground and raises it to his father's back.

"Stop father," Ares says, still wavering from the bolt attack he endured for Saphrina.

Zeus chuckles loudly, having his shoulders move up and down.

"You want to save her? Her?" Zeus nods then grabs Saphrina's throat, "She's not worth your saving."

Ares doesn't think but pushes the sword into his father's back just having Zeus enraged he would betray his own blood for a mere angelic woman that has brought nothing but shame to his name.

"You insolent bastard!" Zeus roars now grabbing onto Ares' throat.

Going what she served and believed, Saphrina lit up with fire and aimed all her fire energy towards Zeus.

With added on advances gifted by the Higher being and Oracle, Zeus jolts back screaming as he begins to burn in amber color fire with a hint of blue flames dancing around with it, having him try to aim a bolt at Saphrina but misses hitting Aphrodite.

"Y-You wrench!" Zeus screams out still trying to put out the flames ignited all over his body.

"Where is Nysa!" He hollers out to his father.

Zeus, still roaring in pain doesn't answer.

"Where is she," Saphrina says, now upping the flames.

Zeus screams out, "She escaped! I don't know where she is!"

Saphrina calms down, having the flames dim down.

"You think he's telling the truth?" Saphrina asks Ares as he holds onto her waist looking to her neck that has a handprint from his father's hand.

"Even if it was, would you stop me from bringing the old me back and torturing the old bastard?"

Zeus now crisped, kneeling to the ground, looks to Ares.

"If you feel it's right," Saphrina says, kissing Ares cheek while stepping over Aphrodite, going to the Higher being to locate Nysa.

Ares looks at Saphrina as she does but shouts out, "I love you," Which then Saphrina says, "I love you too."

Already healing, Zeus bites his still crisp lips, infuriated with Ares.

"How could you?" He asks his son.

Ares bends down to face his father, "You overstepped touching my wife and taking our daughter away, so I fairly can."

Zeus scoffs but then coughs, "And you wondered why I preferred your other siblings."

Ares shrugs,"They may be spineless to your ways but I'm sure and hell not putting up with it." 

Getting his remaining men to get his father up, Ares watches as Zeus scowls.

"Tell me how it feels to be in your own pit of hell," Ares says as they drag Zeus away to be strapped in a torture chamber chair.

As Ares gets things under control at his home he sends for Fisher to come back while having Aphrodite taken out.

"Sh-She's lucky," Aphrodite says as she's trying to shake the trembles she got from getting hit with a bolt.

Ares turns not giving Aphrodite the time of the day, just relieved his family is almost complete again.

 "She's a-also lucky to have a man as loyal as you are that would do anything for her," Aphrodite says lastly while being thrown out and onto the concrete.

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