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Eating smoked fish made from a makeshift roasting thing that Brooks made, everyone talked more over some coconut juice with some berries added in that Dov came up with.

"So, you guys have been here since how old?" Nysa says sipping on the juice Dov handed to her.

Dov sits by Brooks as she says, "Ten and Keon was at least fourteen."

Brooks looks at Fisher, "How old are you guys?"

Fisher shrugs, "Seems like I'm about twenty or around that age."

Nysa nods agreeing, "Yeah I'll say twenty-two."

The five of them laugh knowing it was messed up that they barely had any recollection of who they are or where they came from but overall liked how they were bonding.

"So Keon you're twenty-four?" Nysa says doing the math in her head.

"Actually twenty-six," Turning over a rock with small dashes on them, it showed the amount of years, months and days they've spent on the island.

Nysa looks closer, feeling the dashes as they were made with a spear tip Keon has.

"Must have been hard," Nysa says lowly, feeling sympathetic towards the three of them.

Brooks shakes his head, "Not when we've had each other along the way. Now, don't get me wrong, there were times where we wanted to beat the shit out of each other but that's what family does, fight then make up."

Dov laughs while laying her head on Brooks shoulder, "Yeah these guys are awesome."

Keon rolls his eyes then smiles, "I don't know if you could tell but Dov is the sappy one out of the group, Brooks is the cook slash jokester and I'm the provider, It's a whole system we have." 

Fisher sees Nysa getting a little cold as the temperature of the island dropped down a few degrees as it's hitting nightfall.

"Here," Fisher takes the sweater he was wearing and gives it to Nysa and she thanks him as she puts the beige wool sweater on.

Dov yawns, having Brooks get up to clean what's leftover from their dinner.

"Marina you can come lay with me in my cot I made and Fisher you can bunk with Brooks or Keon," Dov says, stretching and walking over to her handmade bed that's swinging in the middle of two bulky island trees like a hammock.

"The panthers won't eat us right?" Nysa says climbing up to lay with Dov.

Dov giggles, "Keon won't let that happen, promise."

Getting comfortable next to Dov, Nysa lays down and the hammock rocks back and forth, having Nysa drift off faster than she anticipated.


Fisher tosses and turns in the cot with Brooks as he hears rustling in the far end of where Nysa and Dov are sleeping.

"Dude, stop moving so much," Brooks sleepily says as Fisher almost knees him in the head as they're laying horizontal from one another.

"Sorry," Fisher says now looking up at the moon that's beaming brighter than the sun earlier.

Keon is awake sharpening his spear head as he's not the one to sleep.

"Usually counting the stars helps me relax," Keon offers to Fisher as he keeps hearing him sigh.

Fisher turns watching Keon put the spear head down beside him in his hammock.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping? Fishing and handling everything has to be tiring."

Keon chuckled low, "I don't sleep," Hopping down he grabs a shirt and heads to the water, "I'm going to take a swim, I'll be back in a few."

Fisher, holding his hand out to feel how cold it is, whispers out loud to Keon saying, "Won't you freeze and get hypothermia?"

Keon shakes his head, "It's the perfect temp for a night swim, trust me."

Leaving to the water, Keon makes sure no one follows and dives into the water, swimming to the bottom and going into an underwater cave opening, where he has personal things no one has seen before on the other side with a waterfall as the big scenery of it all.

In the middle there's a book positioned on a rock mantel with black candles lighting up the secret place.

"Mother, I can see you lurking in the corner," Keon says, shaking his hair from the icy water he just swam in.

Hecate, the Goddess of Death and Magic, comes out picking her long fingernails with a letter opener.

"I see you've encountered two more bastard children," Hecate says unimpressed with Nysa and Fisher's arrival.

Keon takes the letter opener from his mother and cuts his palm, spilling some of his blood into a golden bowl that was beside the book that was opened to some page written in Greek.

"You use that word so lightly when I am in fact a bastard child too who you sent here to protect like the rest of the people on this island."

Hecate pats her son's back and says, "But I'm the only one who kept your memory intact and visits as the rest are left like little trinkets in a hidden treasure chest in the ground."

Keon starts saying incantations but his mother stops him closing the book.

"The new girl...she has this force around her...it's Greek but something else."

Opening the book again Keon says, "Angelic, she's part Goddess part Angel."

Hecate nods while snapping her fingers, "That's it, she's rare indeed."

Keon looks to his mother but hears rocks faltering near the entrance of the cave and has the candles blown out with just a look having the cave go completely dark.

Not taking a chance of his hidden cave being discovered, he dives back into the water heading back to his hammock noticing Nysa awake drinking from a coconut.

Wringing out his shirt, he looks to her wanting some as well and she gives it to him.

"You alright?" Keon asks her while sipping the coconut juice.

Nysa shakes her head, "I have this huge ringing in my head as if a bell keeps going off and I don't know what it means."

Keon, knowing it's a sign of her angelic side just puts on a short smile and says, "Maybe just a side effect from being in a strange place, it'll subside soon."

Nysa nods,thanking him then lays back down as Keon stood up thinking what his mother said, "She's rare indeed..." 

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