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Laughing, having a good time, Dov and Brooks looked over to Keon joking with Nysa as they unload the fish they caught together.

"Seems like a pair made in heaven," Brooks says as he passes Dov the stick he was carving to use as a rotator as he caught some birds earlier to make into a rotisserie.

"How many birds did Fisher hunt?" Dov says, snapping the stick into place.

Before Brooks could give Dov an answer, Fisher drops a few pigeons in front of them.

"About five," Fisher, wanting to wash his hands off in the water, notices Keon laughing with Nysa too.

Dov sees the jealousy on Fisher's face chuckling to herself knowing a shit storm is heading their way.

"Marina! I caught some pigeons!" Fisher says getting her attention.

Nysa turns about to walk over until Keon grabs hold of her wrist to say something.

"Tonight, let's go for a night swim together," He says docilely.

Nysa nodded in agreement then jogs over to Fisher to hear about his hunt.


Saphrina goes back to Mount Olympus, to walk in her home to see Aphrodite talking to Ares while being too touchy.

"Why is she here?" Saphrina says on edge already from seeing Fisher and Nysa's moment back at the pearly gates, the truth about the fire Ares conducted to burn her home, now Ares' old lover touching him willingly.

Ares stands getting away from Aphrodite, having her roll her eyes at Saphrina for even making it back.

"I was asking her for a favor to get you out of the pit since I got word my father had you imprisoned in one."

Saphrina scoffs, "So call the jezebel that you have a kid with and that still obviously wants to jump your bones any chance she gets?"

Aphrodite giggles sarcastically under her breath as Saphrina gets worked up more.

"You think this is some Olympian game? Why don't you go back to your husband while I talk to mine," Grabbing Ares by the arm, Saphrina has their men escort Aphrodite out as they talk in their bedroom. Ares knows he's in hot water with Saphrina, so to avoid further arguing, he apologizes while getting on his knees to ask for forgiveness. "My love, I was just trying to go above my father's orders and Aphrodite has ways of doing so, that was the only reason she was here." Saphrina with her arms crossed, looks to her husband making him sit with her on their bed.

"We haven't been working as a team, we've been working like enemies against enemy lines. I don't want to keep fueling the fire but why didn't you fight harder? Why can you set fire to my home killing angels for them throwing me out but not our daughter against your father? Your people?"

Ares holds Saphrina's hands in his as he says, "I'll prove to you that the man you entrusted to love and bear children with, was worth it. I give you my word, my love." Saphrina closes her eyes, nodding while pressing her forehead against his, leaving a kiss on his lips. Missing her touch, Ares trails his strong hands against her back slipping off the dress strap already sliding off her shoulder. Not seeing eye to eye for the past couple of days, the tension turns into unbearable passion as they conjoined as one on their king sized bed. All the anger, resentment and differences faded away as they made love. When they finished, they laid together caressing one another as they've done many times before. "I saw our daughter, I saw Nysa." Saphrina says low while rubbing her husband's arm.

Ares keeps caressing his wife's curves as she's pressed against his bare body.

"Was she healthy? How was she holding up? Was Fisher with her?"

Saphrina took a few minutes to respond until she said, "Fisher is falling for Nysa...he's falling in love with his sister."

Ares sits up looking down at Saphrina who is still laying down on her side.

"What do you mean Fisher is falling for his sister? Where did that ludicrous idea form?"

Saphrina turns to the side looking up at her husband and tells him about asking the Higher being for a favor, the Oracle showing her the kids in the crystal and the way they were together.

"He told her she was beautiful, the same way you would to me."

Ares gets up covering himself with his robe and looks out the balcony window.

"They can't fall in love, they're siblings for christ sakes."

Saphrina sits up covering herself with the sheets looking at her husband.

"That's why we need to get them back or their memory at least, before they do something they can't take back."

Ares sighs holding his temple having the thought of his children forming a union that's not even tolerable.


Night already starts making its way across the island as everyone cleans up after eating and hunting all day.

"How's your head?" Fisher asks Nysa as she's wrapping her hair up in a bun.

Nysa gives Fisher a thumbs up and smiles saying, "I'm really okay, it hasn't rang all day."

Fisher was about to say something else until Keon called Nysa over for the night swim.

"Don't stay up and actually try to sleep," Nysa says hugging Fisher leaving with Keon before he could make up reasons why she shouldn't.

Keon sees Fisher jealous grinning to himself then at Nysa.

"Ready?" Keon holds his hand out as he leads her to his secret spot.

Nysa looks at the water crash into the clearing as he's about to have them both dive into the water.

"You afraid?" Keon says to her.

Nysa gets the courage to jump in, she does and Keon jumps in right after.

Grabbing hold of Nysa, Keon guides her to the cave's entrance but instead of candles everywhere and the book in the center of the rock, it was just a regular waterfall hideout.

"Wow..." Nysa says amazed having her hair loose now from diving into the water.

Keon whispers something having jellyfish light up the cave from the water.

"Nice isn't it?" Keon says to Nysa.

Nysa, surprised by the place, just nods then explores the waterfall as it streams down.

Keon leans on the rock wall tilting his head creating a strategy that might work to win Nysa's heart only to break it in pieces.

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