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The Higher being sits with its hand underneath its chin as it keeps looking at the crystal the Oracle brought to it as it keeps its eyes on Nysa and Fisher.

Seeing Nysa leave with Keon, the Higher being gets a funny feeling as it's reminded of someone.

"Who is that young man?" The Higher being asks the Oracle as it's floating on a small fluffy cloud.

"Keon Rhode, son of Hecate."

The Higher being nods lightly, "Death and magic correct?"

Oracle nods while having the crystal dissolve into thin air.

"Something to be worried about my Higher being?"

The Higher being taps its chin, "Maybe but I would have to do some research on it," Sending the Oracle away while going into the scroll room, the Higher being goes to Hecate's scroll and reads what's been written about her then Keon. Skimming through, the Higher being goes to sit as they keep reading up on what Hecate has done with Keon to have the underworld the way it is now and what her plan might be using Everhart's daughter Nysa, "I indeed see the evil brewing with this one," The Higher being says to itself while tapping its chin again deep in thought.

Closing up the scroll, placing it back on the white platinum shelf with thousands and thousands of other scrolls, the Higher being gets some of its angels to locate the island to intervene little by little to protect Nysa from Keon's ill intentions towards her.

"What about the brother and her? Do we intervene with that as well?"

The Higher being shakes its head at the angel and walks out back to its chair to sit.

"We need to focus on the rotten apple of the bunch for right now, it's the smartest thing until we get the rotten apple out, Fisher and Nysa's relations aren't a threat nor a major priority."

The angel bows their head and takes two more angels with them to find where this island is held while getting a few things for the urgent trip.


Fisher gets into a small argument with Nysa as she comes back all happy with being alone with Keon.

"You don't even know what his true intentions are–I mean can you really entrust your trust to him?"

Nysa laughs off what Fisher says, telling him he's overthinking things and that he should just live in the moment and let life take its course.

Fisher, indeed overthinking, shakes his head and stops Nysa from going to the hammock.

"Listen, even good people are great at making horrible decisions. I would say getting close to Keon could be one of them."

Nysa tilts her head sighing, "What is this really about? Are you jealous?"

Fisher, owning up to how he feels he nods, "Actually, yes...yes I am."

Nysa, not expecting to have him admit that, looks to him surprised.

"W-Wait...you are?"

Turning and kicking the sand for even making it known so early, Fisher nods not looking at Nysa.

"Yeah, I am."

Nysa licks her bottom lips as it's a bit chapped from being out fishing and swimming with Keon.

Trying to find what to say to Fisher, Keon cuts their conversation short as he asks Nysa to help Dov with something.

"We'll talk more later," Nysa says lowly then goes over to Dov who is struggling with cutting open a mango she found.

"This damn thing is slippery," Dov says as her hand is covered in juice and her own blood from cutting her palm by accident while trying to slice the mango in half.

Nysa takes one of the shirts hanging on the makeshift rack they had, wrapping Dov's hand and gets the ringing in her head again but this time she holds onto Dov's injured hand having heat radiate from it. When she releases her hand she sees the blood stop and it is already healing, scaring her and Dov. "I–I don't even know how I did that." Dov covers her mouth amazed, "You are super cool, like how?!" Taking the wrap Nysa made she sees nothing there. Brooks walks by with a few sticks loaded on his shoulder. "Brooks! Brooks!" Dov says, shoving her palm in his face. "Marina just healed me!" Brooks shakes his head, "Like we haven't seen magical stuff from anyone," He says then walks off having Nysa scrunch her eyes in confusion.

"Before? What is he talking about?"

Dov, still examining her palm, says, "Keon, he kills and brings dead things back," Then touches her own palm, amazed still.

Nysa stands, "Is that the thing you were telling me until he stopped you?"

Dov nods, "Yeah he's very secretive about it so don't let him know I told you."

Nysa looks to Fisher who she just blindly defended Keon, but now that Dov just spilled Keon's secret, she feels bad for doubting Fisher's intentions even if he does have feelings for her.

"Thanks..." Walking off after watching Dov continue cutting up fruit without hurting herself, Nysa takes Fisher to the side to talk to him.

"I'm sorry for taking what you said with a grain of salt, I guess I just wanted to nor believe he could be one way when really he's the total opposite," Nysa says low to Fisher but Fisher just pulls her into a hug like a big brother would, "It's alright," Fisher says as she wraps her arms around him.

While coming back from sharpening his spear head, Keon looks at both embracing each other, tightening his grip on the sharp object, making his hand bleed.

Brooks took notice stopping Keon and pulled him to the side, having him face him.

"Man, what's your deal?" Brooks says worried about Keon.

Keon looks down to his bloody hand then at Brooks, "Was an accident. I'll patch it up later."

Brooks stops Keon from walking off by placing his hand on Keon's shoulder.

"Man, if this is about Marina–" Keon shakes his head, "No, it's nothing like that. I'm good," Taking Brooks hand off his shoulder, Keon keeps a close eye on Fisher and Nysa having jealousy steer him once again instead of logic.

 The angels sent by the Higher being show up invisible to the naked eye, sitting up in a tree with a view to see everything.

"How should we go about this?" One angel asks the other.

The angel picks off a leaf off the tree and flicks it near the sky.

"It's in the Higher being's timing," Looking at the group they get comfortable and close their eyes as the other is perked up watching carefully. 

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