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As much as this family moment was heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, Nysa looks to Fisher who is meditating standing up with his eyes closed but his hands on the iron bars. Memories start to swirl up inside her head as she hears a woman's voice that feels too familiar. Closing her eyes, she sees the woman she's seen before and tries to have the memory play out more than twenty seconds. Fisher is doing the same having their abilities combine, making it seem as if both were standing in the memory together.

"Fisher! Nysa! Clean up your mess with all this mud from the garden!"

The woman says with frizzy black curled hair and golden amber eyes.

"My love," A man's voice now enters the memory.

"Can you see that?...Can you hear that?..." Nysa asks Fisher.

Fisher now gets memories of a blonde woman, not even seeing Saphrina like Nysa was.

"Were we childhood friends?" He asks diving into the memory more.

"He's our son, of course I can come and see him as much as I like," The blonde tells the man in his memory.

As both Nysa and Fisher are memory diving without knowing that they are and getting even deeper because of the connection they share by blood, Apollo tries and gets Keon until Hecate stops him.

"Take your bow and arrow and return to that happy place you so happily love living in."

Apollo moves Hecate roughly while reaching for Keon but Hecate pulls out a small dagger ready to drive it into Apollo's heart.

"Can't you see he's going to die?" Apollo says outraged.

Keon's vision gets worse as he feels his insides curl with pain.

"You know what? I'm tired of you telling me how to raise my son," Cutting her palm, Hecate says an incantation to have Apollo start bleeding from his eyes, nose and mouth profusely.

"Since you're such a religious man, figure out how to save you and your son now under that God you so shamelessly look up to."

Keon hears what his mother said and tries to feel for something sharp so he can try and reverse the toxin in his body but it keeps intensifying, stopping him from doing anything.

"S-Saphrina?" Nysa blurts out hearing the woman's name in her memory.


Hearing Nysa's voice calling out, Saphrina turns to Ares, "My love...Nysa...I hear Nysa."

Ares turns and before he could say anything, Saphrina gets impaled by a spear.

The Higher being gets up from its chair and feels its heart drop.

"N-No–Sa–Saphrina!" Ares takes hold of her as she starts to fall forward from where she was standing.

"Enough!" The Higher being royally shouts out having the remaining angels and Titans freeze.

Going down to see Saphrina, the Higher being can tell her abilities are fighting her from healing.

"Everhart, heal yourself."

Ares' eyes blur with tears holding his beloved in his arms as blood seeps through her clothing.

"Saphrina–" Ares heaves out with shaking hands as he touches her face.

"Everhart, heal yourself now!" The Higher being says losing its cool for the first time in centuries shocking the other angels and creating fear in the Titans.

Smiling faintly, Saphrina reaches up holding Ares face saying, "Sh-She remembered...she's okay...our baby girl...is...sa-" Closing her eyes with a tear rolling down her hand falls and Ares holds her into his chest roaring out in despair.

The Higher being feels Ares shift entirely and the savage he warned Saphrina about has returned full circle as he cries out for Saphrina to wake up.

"Are we done with this ridiculous war? Are you delinquents happy with killing one another?" 

Ares, still holding Saphrina, raises his head slowly with fire igniting in his eyes.

"Happy? Happy?" Ares says with gritted teeth.

The Higher being stumbles back as Ares places Saphrina down, standing with his jaw clenched and his eyes fixated on everyone there including them.

"My wife—Saphrina is lying there on the floor...dead. Why? Because for someone who talks about ego, yours got brazen and you had to have a war, you just had to show who was entitled right? Show what respect was?"

The Higher being sits in its chair holding its head, "I didn't see the outcome being like this, I didn't see Everhart dying—" Ares picks up the Higher being by its robe collar and stares in its face with nothing but vengeance.

"You think me burning this place down the first time was a problem? Wait and see what I'm about to do now," Ares summons his men from his home and has every single Titan and angel murdered right in front of Atlas and the Higher being mercilessly.

"Savage? You have no idea who you just brought back to life within me."

Screams plague the Higher beings ears while Ares takes a sword Atlas had and takes it to his heart, plunging it deep while twisting it over and over until Atlas drops with a big thud to the ground.

"Now, I'm going to get my kids and you're going to give me the way to do it," Ares says, grabbing the Higher being and throwing them into the scroll room where everything, even portal entry instructions are written.

"Over there," The Higher being points, having Ares shove them away and opens the scroll reading how to enter the Underworld.

Ares does what the scroll says and has the portal open up, having him step through seeing Hecate and Apollo fighting as Apollo is covered in his own blood. 


Holding her heart, Nysa drops to the floor of the cage and Fisher opens his eyes, trying to reach out to her.

Keon slowly dying in front of her, she reaches to touch his hand starting the healing process with fire as it dances off her into him.

Gasping loudly, Keon's vision begins to clear up and he sees his mother fighting with the man he now knows to be his father.

"Go, help him," Nysa says sadden as she herself knows something happened for her heart to break the way it just did.

Keon was going to tell Nysa, tell Nysa he didn't mean for all of this to happen, but saving his father was far more important to usher out the words, "I've fallen for you," So he gives her a look then runs off to try and stop the blood still leaking from Apollo's eyes, mouth and nose. Grabbing a broken glass shard, Keon starts reciting a few words giving Apollo strength, draining his own energy.

"Fisher," Nysa says, reaching her hand out, "When he comes to save you, tell him I'm going to watch you and him with mom."

Fisher confusedly grips her hand until Nysa lets go yelling out, "STOP!"

Hecate turns still holding the dagger she was about to slice Apollo with until Nysa says, "I'll give it to you, I'll give my blood under one condition." Giving that an opening to have Keon restrain his mom, Nysa stands and tears brim down her cheeks, "Once I give it, you send me up and not keep me down here soul wise."

Keon stops, looking at Nysa and so does Fisher.

"No, no you can't do that." Keon says, shaking his head.

Hecate brushes Keon off and goes towards Nysa ready to slice her neck open until Ares grabs hold of Hecate, stabbing her in the back.

"I already lost your mother, I'm not losing you too," Ares says looking at Nysa.

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