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Waking to crickets, monkey calls and rustling from the grass, Nysa sits up with the rag Keon was using to help her fever go down but no Keon attached to it. Looking around, she sees Fisher meditating on the beach as the waves crash over and over into one another. Placing the rag onto the hammock, Nysa walks over to Fisher placing her hand on his shoulder. "You alright?" Looking up, Fisher nods then has her sit beside him. "Sleep is a heavy obstacle I'm facing right now, so I thought mediation would help instead of counting stars." Nysa chuckles seeing Fisher still in a Buddha position. "Is it working? Are you tired or relaxed yet?" Fisher sighs then laughs, "No, it's doing zelch." Nysa hides her laughter as the others are asleep.

"Have you regained any memory?"

Nysa asks Fisher as she looks out to the waves in front of them.

"It's like a firefly, it comes then flickers out."

Nysa nods low, "At least you have a firefly instead of a chronic ringing with no memories attached at all."

Fisher looks to Nysa worried, "Is that why you fainted? Are you okay now?" Going to touch her head Keon walks up with coconut juice to give to Nysa.

"I was looking for you," Is all he says then hands her the coconut shell.

Reaching up, Nysa takes hold of it and sips slowly, really tasting the coconut juices.

"I saw Fisher out here and wanted to see if he was okay," Nysa says sweetly and a bit tired.

Keon nods, "It is nice out."

Fisher clears his throat wanting Keon to leave but Keon just sits by Nysa instead.

"Oh...yeah take a seat too..." Fisher says low barely to anyone else but himself.

Nysa lays her head on Fisher's shoulder, having Keon eye the scene in front of him as a hint to how close they are getting to one another.

"Why don't I show you how to fish tomorrow?" Keon says to Nysa.

Nysa, still on Fisher's shoulder nods, "Sure, I think I could have fun catching Nemos's family."

Fisher, catching on to what Nysa said, laughs and moves her hair to the side as she yawns.

"Have you wondered why we can remember certain things but not who we are entirely? Like it was hand chosen what we were able to keep and have the rest discarded?"

Fisher says really putting thought into the whole reasoning to why he was there and the rest of them being there too.

Keon shrugged, starting to see Fisher as a plausible threat to getting Nysa to be close to him.

"I think we should just head to the hammocks and rest up."

Fisher nods while yawning now, "Yeah, I think I'll lay with Marina tonight."

Keon cuts his eyes at Fisher as he carries a now sleeping Nysa to the hammocks.

"No, I think she can lay with Dov," Keon says directly but indirectly.

As he's about to lay Nysa into the hammock with Dov, he sees she's laying with Brooks as she whimpers while thrashing around showing she's having a night terror.

"Looks like she's laying with me tonight."

Fisher goes over to Brooks' empty hammock and lays with Nysa, once they do Nysa wraps around Fisher nestling her head into his chest comfortably.

From his hammock, Keon stalks every moment Fisher makes while having Nysa in his arms, watching to see if he had to intervene before anything could transpire between the two of them.


Down below where death calls home, Hecate sits on her decayed throne as zombie-like beings kneel in front of her.

"So you three know what you have done?"

The zombies nod, having it's head roll off and stopping right at Hecate feet.

"Good, now no more eating crow carcasses, that's very unlike you."

The three zombies slowly get up limping away at a snail's pace as the next set of dead things appeared at her feet.

"Oh great, Casper's cousin. What can I offer you?"

The spirit tells her what it's seeking and she grants it.

"No more for right now Laz, I'm onto a new project with my son."

Happily standing, Heacte goes into her spell room and flips through the leather bound book.

"Laz! I need a dead man's finger!" Hecate says to her lifebound servant.

Laz groans in annoyance as he cuts a finger off a corpse lying in Hecate's facility, bringing it to her sluggishly.

"Oh cheer up, excitement is on its way very soon."

Tapping Laz's decaying skull, Hecate throws in the dead man's finger into the cauldron she has and recites a few words smiling wickedly.

"Big...big changes are arising."


Nysa is awakened by Dov arguing with Keon as something had set her off to what he had said to her.

"You're being a dick. A total dick. When all I did was ask Brooks to lay with me because I was having a nightmare?"

Keon rolls his eyes, having Dov scoff.

"I told you before that you can't always have Brooks holding your hand and that you are grown now to work it out yourself."

Dov nodded angrily, "You're just pissed that Fisher had to lay with Marina right? Some guy code that you have building inside of you."

Nysa clears her throat to let them know she was awake, having Dov storm off irritated with Keon.

"Everything alright?" Nysa asks Keon.

"Yeah. Get ready to fish in ten."

Nysa nods, brushing off the sand she had from sitting on the beach last night and pulls her hair back into a low bun.

Taking a piece of pineapple for breakfast, she sees Brooks comforting Dov as she's really offended at Keon acting the way towards her.

"Don't you think you were being a little harsh?" Nysa asks Keon.

Keon turns to see Dov in Brooks arms and then looks back down to gather a fish net to put the fish in once he and Nysa catch some.

"No, I think I did the mature thing and spoke my mind on something I felt she needed to hear."

Nysa helps Keon carry the net and then dusts her hands on her jeans.

"But you could have said it better than you did, I mean you really hurt her."

Keon, not liking Nysa butting into their personal talk, ignores her and just tosses her a spear.

"When you see the silver ones, point down and jab like this," Keon shows Nysa then has her do it.

Nysa gives it a shot and misses but the next few ones she catches at least three.

"I did it! Whew!" Smiling, she shows Keon but he's already watching, impressed by the drive to not give up, really showing that she was who she was and in fact the daughter of the Greek God of War.

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