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Ares bites on his knuckles as he looks out his bedroom window with Saphrina asleep on his chest, thinking of Nysa and Fisher, wondering if they're staying away from each other but also keeping each other safe.

 Saphrina feels her husband stressing, waking to move his face to face her.

"My love, we'll get them back," Saphrina looks into Ares' eyes as he has worry engraved in them.

Nodding he kisses Saphrina's palm, "I know...I know," Closing his eyes he starts to think of all the chaos and sin he had caused before he met Saphrina, being beckoned to tell her in hopes it would lessen the pain he has from having his father his children away from Saphrina and him.

"I've never told you about my life...the life I bestowed hate, ruthlessness and pain. You are of angel descent, meaning you have the passageway to the gates that I once burned down in hopes to show you, I can be the man you need me to be without asking."

Saphrina sits up more, "And you would like to do some sort of confession to cleanse your soul?"

Ares sighs but holds Saphrina's face, "I believe I am being punished for what I've done and I want to make amends somehow to make room for the chance of our children returning back to us one way or another."

Saphrina kisses her husband's forehead and nods.

"Go ahead, tell me all that you have done."

Frightened of what she might think of him he hesitates but says, "You will hate me...you will hate me if you know all that I have done but I know it's the right thing to let you know why we might be in this turbulence of pain."

Saphrina caresses her husband's cheek, "My love, whatever you have done in the past does not change how I fell or still love you."

Ares closes his eyes as he starts off his confession with, "God of War was a nicer name for what I was...am. I tortured many, killed many and liked every bit of it. The blood that I would shed just because of my temper or selfish ways, it made me feel invincible just knowing I could do what I do without anyone stopping me but just fearing me. If we were to be completely honest, I only did those things out of spite towards my father. He wanted me to be as feared but loved as everyone had done for him but that was pride and ego, I wasn't in need of that from many, only from him and my mother. So, my mind had bent, had made its own reasoning for the gruesome things that I have done, especially getting involved with my brother's wife." 

Saphrina holds her now crumbling husband as he let's down this hard stone wall of numb emotions he had locked away, piling into Saphrina's arms and chest.

"My love, you are not what they make you out to be, you are Ares the Greek God of War, yes, but you are also just Ares, a man with two children you raised well and a wife that believes and loves you just as much as any being in this world," Holding him more, Saphrina continues to soothe Ares just by stroking his head caressingly, placing her chin on top as he pressed his face more into her chest holding onto her body.


The two angels that were sent from the Higher being huddled back at the pearly gates until the Higher being stands confused why they are back.

"A storm, it got bad your Higher being," They both say drenched.

The Higher being furrow their eyebrows, "Bad enough to have you leave your post?"

The two angels nodded, "It was nothing we've ever seen before, it was as if Posiedon himself was there."

The Higher being scratches their head, "Are you saying Greek powers were cited?"

The two angels shrugged not really knowing how to respond.

"Was there a power surge or anything related to such?"

Before the angels could answer the Higher being, Atlas comes strolling in.

"Why is a Titan here?" The Higher being asks the two angels.

The angels stood quiet, not understanding either.

"You beings, what are you doing messing around on that island? Do you know how much power it takes to keep the island from being discovered? My kid is on that Island and I got word you had two ghastly minions watching them. Why?"

The Higher being looks to Atlas, "This island, what exactly is it for? Why would you Greek people send your children there?"

Atlas scoffs, "To protect them of course."

The Higher being nods, "From what exactly, if you Greek Gods and Titans have all the strength in the galaxy to protect them yourselves?"

Atlas crosses his arms, "You angelic freaks think you have the morals to judge our reasons?"

"Yes, I overlook everything, especially if one of my own has created an offspring with such beings."

Atlas just points his finger and says, "Stop butting into things that do not belong to you."

The Higher being now smiles, "Be careful, you might recreate a long lost war with us angelic freaks."

As the two go head to head, a girl with similar like black hair as Nysa, arrives on the island falling to her knees as the sand morphed into sea like mud.

"I really gotta work on where I land," The girl says standing, wiping the mud off her jeans.

Seeing the cave the group is cradled in, she makes her way over and sees two familiar faces, shocked that she found them.

"Calypso? Jason?" She says having Dov and Brooks turn in confusion.

"I'm sorry what?" Dov says, wiping her face.

The unknown girl reaches her hand out to them, "Hurry we don't have time, I traveled to find you guys. Guess I did mean to land here."

Brooks and Dov, still confused, don't move a muscle until the unknown girl grabs them both having all three vanish.

Nysa, Fisher and Keon stand puzzled at how Dov and Brooks could disappear like that and now look to one another wondering where to go now.

"You're telling me you didn't know their real names?" Nysa asks Keon.

Keon sighs, "I knew some things, but I didn't know their names."

A lie he got away with but still has Fisher keeping an eye out as Keon isn't someone they could trust at all. 

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