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Fisher keeps Nysa close as Keon checks the surroundings of the cave to see if the storm actually calmed down.

"How are we getting out of here?" Fisher says low to Nysa.

Orchestrating a way, Nysa tells Fisher hoping he would go along with it.

"Think we can do it?"

Fisher nods, "I think so if we stick together."

Nysa gets up taking Fisher's hand, leading them out the cave and onto the island.

Speed walking then going into a full jog, both Fisher and Nysa make a run for it, not looking back to see if Keon could see or not.

Right before they can make it to the water, time stops and Hecate takes over without the two of them knowing.

"If my son wants to let his emotions get in the way, then I'll do it myself."

Taking Nysa, Hecate has her put under a spell to have her asleep like Sleeping Beauty.

Putting time back into place, Fisher sees nothing but Keon coming towards him.

"Where is she," Keon says angrily.

Fisher goes into panic mode not knowing.

"S-She was just right here..."


The Higher being taps on its chin as they prepare for a war they didn't think they would be preparing for.

"Your Higher being," An angel comes in out of breath holding up a message scroll.

"What is it?" The Higher being sits up reaching out to grab the scroll.

Opening it, the Higher being reads it then stands urgently.

"Does Saphrina know?"

The angel shakes her head excessively saying, "No–but Ares might get word and—"

Speaking of the man himself, he comes blazing into the pearly gates.

"How can you angelic beings not keep an eye out on Nysa! Hecate has her. Why."

The Higher being tries to keep a graceful aura but Ares makes it hard for them to do so.

"Funny how this is all happening when I'm currently going to war with your people and now a self righteous Titan."

Ares narrows his eyes saying, "How are we going to get my daughter back."

The Higher being sighs, "Where is Saphrina, it'll be better if I talk to her."

Ares shakes his head ready to set fire to the gates again.

"She's at home mortified. It took me at least two hours to calm her down and come down here to see what your explanation was."

The Higher being clears its throat saying, "Hecate wants Nysa's blood for some ritual for the underworld..."

Grabbing the Higher being by their angelic robe, Ares' old side starts to rush back in this temporary moment, causing an irreversible kamikaze.

Saphrina shows up before another fire could prosper through the pearly gates again.

"Say you have a way to get our daughter back," Saphrina says idly.

The Higher being has her have Ares let go of them then dusts themselves off while walking back to their chair.

"I just got news of it but I'll see what I can do as I don't like interfering with things that are out of my control."

Both Ares and Saphrina have this vision of just burning everything down but just do the opposite by asking, "How can we get to Hecate."

No time to explain that's a very bad idea, Atlas arrives.

Ares turns holding Saphrina close as he looks to her deviantly.

"Wanted war, now you have it."

The Higher being sighs snapping their fingers having angels lineup.

"As you can see I'm in the middle of a dispute," Raising their hand ready to have them commence in an army, Saphrina stands in the middle.

"Before you tear into each other, how can we get to Hecate before she hurts my daughter."

Atlas cracks his neck saying, "Hecate? What the hell does she have to do with any of this?"

Ares keeps an eye on Atlas as he keeps checking Saphrina out from head to toe.

"I have no idea why you would implement yourself in our business," Ares says to Atlas.

Atlas scoffs, "Just go before you die with the rest of these angelic freaks."

Saphrina shakes her head, "You can't do that," Stepping up, Ares holds her back.

Atlas snickers, "What are you going to do? Ruffle those back feathers and scare me away? Last I heard, your wings got snatched right off that pretty back of yours."

Ares not liking Atlas disrespecting his wife, nods ready to take Atlas out permanently.

"What? War of feelings has something to say?" Atlas says mocking Ares turning soft and not as savage as he used to be.

"War of feelings, funny." Ares says with his jaw twitching with anger.

Saphrina holds her husband's arm, not wanting him to give in to Atlas taunting.

"Yeah, get mister rainbows out of here, I don't even think he knows what war is anymore."

Getting his weapon ready, Atlas is ready to start killing until Saphrina's angelic powers activate again.

Her eyes glow a bright amber as it did when she was talking with Zeus.

"My love," She says to Ares and he looks at her palms ignited in flames.

The Higher being takes notice, sitting in their chair now intrigued.

"Looks like I have a hidden ace in this battle mister Titan," Grinning, the Higher being twirls its finger in the air to commence the battle to begin.

Angel's of each sector tread lightly until Atlas brings out an unfair advantage.

Watching, the Higher being nods slowly, "You play dirty I see."

Atlas grunts as he swings his metal sword at an angel who has a sword made out of fire.


Down in the Underworld, Hecate has Nysa still asleep as she tries to extract a big amount of blood from her.

Cackling from the corner has Hecate rub her hands in delight as Nysa's blood and energy is opening force fields that have never been touched before.

"Oh, this is going to be magic."

Smiling daringly, Hecate keeps chanting a few incantations here and there until Nysa's body starts to burn from the fire trying to release, but because it's energetically happening, Nysa isn't burning physically, it's just surrounding her like a protective shield.

As the fire keeps rising all around her body, something else starts to show having Hecate stop chanting, scared of what it might be.

"Well, this is unexpected."

Hecate tries to back up as Nysa's eyes shoot open with the same amber like eyes Saphrina has.

The spell that was casted on Nysa breaks, having Nysa drop onto her feet as she rises to look at Hecate.

"Y-You–" Hecate tries to get the words out but fails as Nysa walks towards her, forcing Hecate to bow down to her as Ares' side emerges with the angelic fire source within her as well proving why people were so scared of her father, only if she knew that in that moment.

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