I - Slippers on the mat

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Phayu looked at the boy sleeping on the bed

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Phayu looked at the boy sleeping on the bed. It was not the first time that Rain was here, nor was it ever going to be the last time. It didn't matter that it had been seven years since they started dating and almost five since Rain had permanently moved in, with blessings from both sides of parents. It didn't matter that it would be their last morning in the house they had fallen in love in. He looked around the room. Except for a few last personal items, the room was bare of everything except their bed. Tonight, they would spend their first night in their new home.

After Rain had moved in, Phayu had resented not having more space and more privacy(thank you very much Saifah!) for his boy and himself. Which is why he had decided that he wanted a house for the two of them. That had begun a race to find the perfect property. Phayu knew, that with his over perfectionism, it would be hard for him to like anything, but Rain had surprised him there too, like usual. It was Rain who had come back squealing and excited, telling him that he had found the exact property they were looking for. Phayu had smiled at his sunshine boy, but had been quite sceptical. However, as soon as he had seen the place, he had fallen in love at first sight with it. The stars shining in Rain's eyes had convinced him. "You were not sure of my choice na Phi?" Rain had asked, grinning mischievously. Phayu had laughed it off, but it was obvious that his boy knew him all too well.

Since they were both architects, with very different styles, when they had decided to work on the design of their house together, Phayu had expected lots of fights, recriminations, stomping offs, everything on the part of Rain of course. He was too mature for things like those. But he had been pleasantly surprised when he realised that Rain and he had very similar visions as to what they wanted in their house. And that had been so perfect. They had beautifully merged together their thoughts and built the home they wanted. Of course, the actual work on the house had only begun after Rain had graduated, mainly because Phayu had been busy setting up his own firm before that and because Rain himself wanted to be hands on with the project, and Phayu had no reason to stop him. Although Rain was a partner in his firm, he never shirked his duties, but mostly everyone knew about their 'dream home', so no one really questioned anything. Plus Rain always stayed on top of his work, so there could never be any complaints either ways.

It would make Phayu laugh when he heard people talk about Rain. 'Perfect boyfriends!' 'One God with another!' Comments like these made him want to cackle with glee, because no one really knew the mess Rain used to be in his first year. But he had improved. Not just by a little, but spectacularly. He was always on top of the class along with Sky, consistently outperforming most of his classmates. He was focused, driven, and most of all, a beauty beyond compare. Initially Phayu found it funny, but it irked him later, that people were falling over themselves to get a glimpse of his boyfriend. When he would pout and complain, Rain, his cute, sweet, clueless boy, would laugh at him and call him paranoid. "Well, if that is true Phi, then you deserve it!" he laughed. "And pray, why is that?" Phayu asked. "Well, I am so used to all my classmates and seniors eyeing you like a piece of candy, I am glad I get to take revenge," he grinned, his adorable bunny teeth showing, and Phayu was too far gone to chastise him any further.

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