IV - Watashi no Akuma - 2 (Finale)

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But slowly, things began to change. People became busier. Trees in the forests around their temples began to be cut down. The number of devotees reduced. There were no more crops to protect. Villages started becoming cities. Their temple compounds became playgrounds for children. But they continued to protect their world as best as they could. One day however, Phayu met the most beautiful little boy. He had the prettiest eyes, the cutest smile. Nothing and no one had mesmerised Phayu as much as that boy. For hours, Phayu would sit with him. Not a word passed between them, but then, none was required. Their hearts spoke to each other, and that was enough for both of them.

Then the boy grew up more. Power shimmered around him. Whenever he would come to visit Phayu, the demon could scent his arousal, but he was afraid of hurting his magic prince. However, he was drawn into the boy and he could feel his eyes change colour. And that had produced a surprising orgasm from the boy, leaving Phayu thirsting for more. He had decided that the boy would be his, and only his, and he was planning to tell him at the next rising. But he was awoken early that day, the foul disturbance in the air making him panic. He could feel the agony emanating from his magic prince and he rushed out of his temple. The most horrific sight met his eyes. His magic prince lay on the floor of the compound, his clothes torn, and bloodied, body and soul pinched and ripped apart, violated to the point of no return. In front of his very eyes, they called him a whore and witch and burned him alive. Phayu watched in horror, some kind of spell holding him from rushing forward and pulling his prince out of his pyre. Phayu howled his rage to the heavens. Lightning forked across the sky and thunder boomed. Phayu threw his anger outwards, setting fire to the entire compound, catching everyone within.

And all of a sudden, there was silence. That was the last thing Phayu remembered. His next memory was here, in this cage, trapped for probably an eternity. He had resigned himself to his fate, until his magic prince returned. Almost everything was the same, just like history repeating itself. Phayu was enamoured again. Then he heard the monsters who had kept him trapped, probably not the same, but someone, talking about a sacrifice that needed to be made. And he knew, without an iota of doubt, who the sacrifice was going to be. His Rain. He closed his eyes in pain and when he opened them, he could sense the black anger and retribution that poured through him. No one would touch his magic prince this time and get away with it.

But then his magic prince had surprised him. He was definitely stronger than before, to have reached out so far, in his dreams, and giving Phayu his blood. He knew exactly what he was doing, and this time, it looked like he was way more prepared. Suddenly, he sensed him. His magic prince. He was close, his breathing deep and even, as if he was sleeping, but Phayu knew better. The blood that Rain had given him had given him strength. Rain had also loosened the manacles around his wrists and ankles. He had snapped them the night before, just keeping up the pretence of them being there. He was ready for war, and this time, he had someone who would fight with him. Rain was waiting, just as Phayu was, for that one exact moment, when they could strike.

He felt it building slowly, the tiny whispers of power, moving ahead like tiny waves, lapping at the edges of Phayu's feet, steadily moving into him, pulsing within his heart. He understood what Rain was trying to do immediately. Even weak, Phayu was a demon, his power way more than that of Rain's. So instead of dividing the strength, Rain gave his generously to Phayu. This Rain's magic was definitely more, more than his previous self, and Phayu was shocked to see his aura sparkle with energy despite sharing most of what he had. Phayu waited, still and calm, letting Rain's warmth cocoon him. The very exact second he sensed the ceremonial knife being raised in the air, Phayu struck, a storm of angry, dark energy that obliterated everything in its path.

The monsters who had taken him, the faceless members who had thrived off his powers, never even knew what hit them. They scattered, trying to avoid the onslaught of dark energy pouring out of every crevice. Some of them fell on the floor, rolling under tables and other places. Some tried to open the doors of the basement where they were located, but the doors wouldn't budge. Stop pulled Rain in front of him. Phayu growled, but the intensity of the attack did not go down even a little bit. The power just flowed around him, without touching Rain at all. Soon, each of them was attacking each other, in their haste to escape, but Phayu wasn't going to let that happen. Blood poured down from their eyes, nose, ears. The concentrated demon and mage energy was no match for the humans present there, however monstrous they were.

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