II - The Lucky Charm (14. The Lucky Charm - II )(Finale)

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Rain's parents arrived in Thailand two days after they had all met Nuea. They wanted to be there when the family met Nuea to plan the next step of the wedding plan. Rain's gang made sure that Rain was kept busy. Luckily for them, some last minute submissions and internship reports made it easy for them and there was no need to find any excuses. Rain had no idea that his parents were in Bangkok, and the Theerpanayakuls had decided to keep it a secret, hoping that it would be a wonderful surprise for Rain, apart from the surprise Phayu had already planned for him. Everyone was really excited and looking forward to this momentous occasion.

The gang was working on something in the design room when they became aware of whispers and stares coming their way. "What is happening?" Ple said, looking irritated. Several times that day, they had noticed this happening and now they were all beginning to get irritated. Finally Sig, usually the most easy going of the group, lost his patience and strode to the group standing and giggling outside the door. "Is there a problem?" he asked, his voice loud. "Nothing!" they said and dispersed real quick. "What the fuck?" he said, sounding pissed. "Forget it buddy. Let's finish our work and go home?" Por said, and Sig came back.

"Guys, I will use the washroom real quick before we leave," Rain said. The others nodded. "Everyone must be meeting Nuea right now. I am super excited to know what progress has been made," Por said. "Actually, I am also thinking that we should talk to the amusement park authorities and make sure we have things in place there too," Ple said. "I really hope Rain does not get all mad," Sky said. "It's okay. We will make sure we have a fool-proof plan," Sig said. "Guys, hasn't Rain been gone too long?" Ple said, looking towards the direction he had gone. The others also started to look worried. "I will go and check," Sky said. "We will all go," Por said. "Rain? Rain? You there?" Por called out. Rain stood in the middle of the bathroom, a weird stillness in him that did not go unnoticed by his friends. They dragged him out into a corner, where Ple joined them.

"What the hell happened Rain?" Sig asked. Rain simply showed them his phone. It was a picture of Phayu, with an extremely beautiful woman, her hand close to his, as they laughed. It was clearly in a jewellery store. "What are you thinking Rain?" Ple asked. "I..I.." he trailed off. "Okay, first off the bat, do you think Phi is cheating on you?" Sky asked. Rain didn't reply. "Rain, in the past five years, has Phi ever lied to you?" Por asked. Rain shook his head. "Are you going to believe one picture over the man who has proved every single day over the past five years how much he loves you?" Sky said. "That picture could mean anything. Maybe they just met at the shop. If I remember correctly, that's the cuff links section. Maybe she needed help," Ple said. "Just don't jump to conclusions just because people want you to. The two of you have way more faith between you," Sig said. Rain looked at his friends. He knew they were right. His past insecurities had led to a kernel of doubt in his mind, and he hated that. "Just talk to P'Phayu," Por said. "Yes, I will do that," Rain said, smiling at his friends. They were literally his pillars of support. He wouldn't know what he would do without them.

As soon as Phayu entered his house, he was bopped on the head by his Uncle Macau. "What? Now what did I do to earn this abuse?" he said with a long suffering sigh. "You got photographed with Natsu. We can't tell Rain anything. What do you think he is going to feel? We are just few days away from this total hare brained scheme of yours. What do you think will happen if he doubts you?" Pete asked, looking upset. "First of all, I will tell him Natsu is a friend and second, why wouldn't he believe me?" Phayu asked, puzzled. "Sky called. Rumours are already making their way around the Uni that you have dumped Rain and are now dating this girl. Plus since the picture is in a jewellery store, so the rumours are intense," Vegas said, pissed at every reporter, and everyone else who dared hurt his little sunshine boy. He looked ready to murder someone, most likely his son, who he glared at intensely. Phayu shrunk under his father's gaze.

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