II - The Lucky Charm (5. Finding the one)

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"You actually believe the bullshit you are spewing, isn't it Som?" Phayu asked, when he had finally stopped laughing. "Phi?" Som asked, shocked. "Okay, let me take your questions in order," Phayu said. The five leaned forward, shamelessly eavesdropping. "Someone like him? Someone like me? What the fuck do you even know about me or him that you can pass your judgement about either one of us? Being rich or not has no importance in my world. He could be dirt poor and I would still ask him for a date. You are right. Being rich does not determine class. I mean, look at you. You are supposed to be from a good family, but you are the one who lacks even the common courtesy on how to treat your juniors. After having seen his work, and from everything the Ajarns have said, I am fully aware of what Rain is, and I don't not need the opinion of someone who has never done anything on his own until today. As for being a good match for me, if Rain is not, then do you think you are? Do you really think I would be with someone who dares to talk about others behind their back?"

Som had completely cowered the entire time Phayu had spoken, his words like shards of glass piercing through Som's bravado until he was left a quivering mess. Phayu's sharp eyes pierced into his very soul. "And now, let me add one last thing," Phayu said, straightening to his complete height. "Don't. Come. Near. Me! I see you anywhere around me, except maybe in the Council meetings, you will face consequences that you would not like," Phayu warned, his eyes blazing in anger. Som stood there looking at Phayu, trembling in fear. "What? Go!" Phayu hissed, and Som scrambled to run away from Phayu, tail between his legs. Phayu took a deep breath and turned around to look at Rain and his gang. He knew that his outburst would not have gone unnoticed by them, and he was mortally afraid that he might not like what he would see in Rain's eyes.

But he should not have worried. While the rest of the gang looked at him in wonder, Rain's eyes held something else, a passing heat, before he schooled his features and gave Phayu a blinding smile. "Shall we go?" Phayu asked Rain. Rain nodded, and handed over his stuff to his friends before he walked towards Phayu. Phayu put on the spare helmet on Rain and adjusted his hair, and with a wave, the two of them were gone. "I don't think I have never been happier and respectful with any senior," Ple said, wonder still colouring her tone. Sig nodded vigorously. "P'Som has been such an ass, but looks like we are finally rid of him," he sighed. "He just didn't know where to stop. But I am sorry if that hurt you in any way," Sky said, looking at Ple. "Huh! No way! I am so glad to see the last of him. Moving out was such a brilliant idea," she said, sighing in relief.

"That was very interesting Phi," Rain said, after the two of them were seated in the café. "What do you mean?" Phayu asked. "Well, to be honest, that's the first time I have seen P'Som that scared," Rain smirked. "He deserved it," Phayu said, back to being pissed. "Is he always like that?" he added. Rain nodded. "He's become worse since Ple moved out. Lost his assistant," Rain said, rolling his eyes. "Can we not talk about Som?" Phayu asked, not wanting to waste a single minute of this 'date' that he had wrangled out of Rain in talking about others. "Well, what do you want to talk about Phi?" Rain asked. "About you," Phayu said immediately. "Me? What about me?" Rain asked. "Everything. I want to know everything about you," Phayu said, leaning forward, elbows on the table and resting his chin on his hands.

"Well, my name is Varain Phi. My father has his own business, mostly out of Korea, since he is from there. My mom is Thai, but since she is mostly entertaining for my dad, she is more there than here. I grew up almost entirely in Thailand. I have known Sky since I was in the first year of high school. We became friends with Sig, Por and Ple in the coaching centre we attended. I am an only child Phi. Umm..," Rain trailed off, not sure what else he could say, without sounding like a fool in front of the man who was staring at him so intently. He fidgeted. He had never been stared at in quite this manner, as if he was the only thing in the world; the only thing that mattered. "Umm.. Phi?" Rain said again, as he waved his hand in front of Phayu's eyes. "Oh... sorry.. Was that weird? Am I being weird? I have never seen anyone as pretty as you," Phayu said, his eyes sparkling. Rain blushed to the top of his ears. Phayu wondered how far below the blush would go.

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