X - Wind beneath (our) wings

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A/N : I have been irrationally in love with the idea of Babe as Phayu and Rain's son

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A/N : I have been irrationally in love with the idea of Babe as Phayu and Rain's son. And I seem to have used that idea more often than not. I know a lot of stories have been written on this theme, but I was asked several times if I would continue after Slippers on the mat

I just want to say here that this is a work of fiction, and not intended to disrespect anyone, or any community. Also, parenting is not always about biology!I hope you have as much fun reading, as I had writing!

The title is a small play on the song Wind beneath my wings by Bette Middler

"So? What do you want to read?" Phayu asked. "Papa lwette," the little boy in front of him whispered, as the little girl nodded. "Papa lwette best stowie," she added, looking wiser beyond her age. Phayu smiled, his heart full of joy. How apropos is was, that even though he was not there with them in person, Rain's little quirks and ideas were still the glue that kept the family together. It had started when Phayu had to go on a trip. Unable to handle the upset babies, Rain had come up with the idea of writing a letter to their past or future selves, talking about them as if he were telling a story. It had also been equally surprising that no one had expected Rain to have this amazingly creative mind that churned out such cute little stories. When Sig had asked, during their annual gathering, Rain had said that it was only because the stories had their basis in truth; and truth was always stranger than fiction.

"My handsome Prince Babe, and my beautiful Princess Angel,

Let me start by saying, Papa loves you. The world out there may be hard, but your Papa and your Dada will always have your back," Phayu said, swallowing a sudden lump in his throat. "You both always ask me questions about all of us. I have told you so many different stories about your uncles, your aunt Ple, even about your Dada and me, but I have never told you the story of how you, my hearts, came to be! So sit back, fasten your seatbelt, because off we go to seek the adventures of Babe and Angel!" Phayu knew that at that particular moment, he must have looked pretty much the epitome of the 'smiling with tears in his eyes' emoji because that is exactly how he felt. Rain and he had never made it a secret of the fact that Babe and Angel were adopted in front of them, choosing to be open about it. And it had been a good decision. With the amount of love and pampering the two of them got, Phayu knew they couldn't care less about their past. And for that too, he had to thank Rain.

"Rain and I have decided to adopt!" That had been the beginning of their journey. Thua, one of Rain's best friend's boyfriend, and a close friend himself, who was a well-known lawyer for the LGBTQI+ community, had decided to take up their case. He had filed the necessary papers, and Rain and he, along with their moms and Thua, had visited the orphanage where they had been before. Rain had fallen in love in the cutest baby girl there, and if everything went well, they hoped to bring her home soon. But the worst news had awaited them. "I am so sorry Khun Varain. You see, the biological parents came back for her. And they obviously have first rights," the warden at the orphanage had been extremely apologetic. "If they wanted the child, why did they leave her here in the first place?" Rain's mom asked, livid on behalf of her sons.

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